Teaching children English and thinking skills [Webinar]

CUP is hosting a webinar on ‘Teaching children English and thinking skills’ on April 27, 2022.

Herbert Puchta says, “Maybe you’ve asked yourself why we should combine teaching children English with teaching thinking … There are two reasons, actually. First, it’s about the learner’s interest in a task. In activities designed for second or foreign language learners, there is a danger that in making them fit the learners’ level, all possible intellectual challenges will have been removed. The outcomes are often bland activities that match the language level of the learners, but are way below their cognitive potential.

And of course, there’s a lot more to be thinking about

  • What you can do to help your learners prepare for tests or exams, for example.
  • How you can help them remember better what they are supposed to be learning and how they can retain it longer…!
  • And maybe you want to hear why practice tests are so much more powerful than you may have thought.

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