Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms: Friend or Foe? [Research]

Here is an interesting research paper titled “Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms: Friend or Foe?”. The disruptive impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are currently affecting various aspects of society, including education. Despite some doubts and fears, many studies suggest that AI could offer advantages to education, and AI-based applications have been developed for teaching and… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms: Friend or Foe? [Research]

Helping Advanced Students Overcome The Language Learning Plateau

Read latest OUP article ‘Helping Advanced Students Overcome The Language Learning Plateau. When it comes to learning a language, the journey is as important as the destination. This is particularly true for advanced learners who often encounter a ‘language learning plateau’. At this stage, progress seems to slow down or even stall, leading to frustration… Continue reading Helping Advanced Students Overcome The Language Learning Plateau

AI-Powered Education, Webinar on May 16

Pearson is hosting a webinar on ‘AI-Powered Education: A look at how Pearson is innovating with AI-powered tools’ on May 16, 2024. Join Pearson’s AI product team members, Chris Hess and Emily Ockay as we take a deeper dive into the new AI-powered study tools for MyLab, Mastering, and eTextbook. Joined by faculty advisor, Michelle… Continue reading AI-Powered Education, Webinar on May 16

AI IN ESL [Podcast]

Listen to the latest episode of Brent Warner and Ixchell Reyes’ ‘The DIESOL Podcast’ featuring Eric H. Roth. Brent and Ixchell say, “The conversation around Artificial Intelligence is only starting to grow. There’s a lot to continue to explore. In previous episodes we made predictions about the future of AI in our field, then we… Continue reading AI IN ESL [Podcast]

Categorized as ELTWeekly

Five Effective Ways to Use Pictures for Teaching Vocabulary

Integrating pictures into vocabulary lessons is a powerful method to enhance language acquisition. Visual aids captivate learners, making the educational experience more engaging and memorable. Here are five effective ways to leverage the power of pictures in teaching vocabulary: Conclusion: Incorporating pictures into vocabulary instruction transforms learning into a vibrant and immersive experience. By employing… Continue reading Five Effective Ways to Use Pictures for Teaching Vocabulary

Book of the week: Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers

OUP has published the e-book ‘Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers’ by Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck. This book provides teachers with an entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments. This approach is based on current theory and practice in the field of language assessment and on an understanding of the assessment needs… Continue reading Book of the week: Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers