Here’s a comprehensive article on ‘English Pronunciation For A Global World’.
This blog post explores some key ideas about the EIL approach and offers practical tips on how to implement it in pronunciation teaching and learning. If you want to find out more, you can download our recent position paper, English Pronunciation for a Global World, which explores five key aspects of effective pronunciation teaching, including:
- the importance of pronunciation.
- the models that should be used to teach pronunciation.
- how to teach and how to assess pronunciation.
- the importance of teachers’ continual professional development.
So what do you need to know about teaching English pronunciation for a global world?
Pronunciation impacts other linguistic skills
Pronunciation skills are critical for effective English communication in today’s globalised world. They not only contribute significantly to learners’ communicative competence and their ability to achieve international intelligibility but positively impact the development of other linguistic skills like speaking and listening, vocabulary learning, and reading. To elaborate, pronunciation skills help in the development of learners’ speaking skills.