Teaching and learning technologies

Eric Baber of Cambridge University Press team has published this useful article in March 2022.

As a result of the pandemic, teachers have been exposed to new teaching and learning technologies. What makes for good teaching though? Is it the technology or the pedagogy? Nicky Hockly argues that it is necessary for a teacher to understand the benefits and challenges of any type of technology in order to ensure that it is the pedagogy that wins the day.

Choosing appropriate learning technologies

Just as there are many technologies to choose from there is a myriad of teaching and learning contexts. Maybe all the students in the class have a smartphone, maybe none of them do. Internet connectivity may be freely available while in other situations it is scarce, or slow. Other considerations are how easy a particular tool is to use and whether the investment in time to learn how to use it is worth it. One of the first things a teacher needs to do is to find the right technologies for their particular set of circumstances.

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