[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 15 | June 9, 2014 | ISSN 0975-3036]
This article is written and submitted by Reena Mittal.
Language is an inseparable part of human society. Civilization and growth of Human is only possible through language. It is because of language that humanity has come out from Stone Age to the age of Technology, Science and Arts. Language is a means of expression, communication and systematisation. Learning of language is not an automatic process. It can only be learnt by practice, imitation and continuous effort. There are five major rules which must be followed by every new learner to the language especially when you are learning English as L2.
Fluency of English is not actually based on correct use of Grammar because sometimes rules are deviated in English. So, learn rules but flexibility according to situation is also mandatory to learn as many a times English Grammar deviates its own rules.
Phrases also play an important role in spoken English because howsoever words you know, still some construction only does not want words or vocabulary but they want a particular phrase. So, for learning and speaking English, one must be familiar with phrases.
There are three main aspects of learning English. Reading, listening and speaking. Practice always plays an important role when you are learning English, a practice which is really important is to speak again and again what you have listened. It will build up confidence and improve fluency and pronunciation both.
Speaking amongst friends, relatives’ teachers and amongst peer group will give good results of fluency. Students can take help of mirror, tapes, other recording devices for practice of speaking. Practice always makes a man perfect. Bacon suggests “Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.”
Speaking and writing the language fluently give feeling of confidence. In this era of Globalisation, English speaking that too fluently is a must whatever you are doing. Speaking among their peer group and friends build their confidence because they feel hesitant speaking in front of teachers and those who are fluent. In families, normally there is least culture of English speaking.
Some students coming from rural or non-English background found it a hard nut to crack to speak flawless in English, Spoken English classes work a balm for them as they increase their vocabulary and kills their hesitation of speaking.
Broken boundaries of the Universe require adaptation of L1 and L2. Normally we are so used to our L1 that we eat, drink and think in that. But Language Learning is a continuous learning process and in this modern world we must adapt L2 as perfectly as L1 to progress and overall growth.
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
The above quote gives us a way to learn L2 not as a compulsion but as a goal and ultimate to achieve success in life. There is no hindrance in learning English if one has a zeal.