[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 11 | April 14, 2014 | ISSN 0975-3036]
Teaching is a highly skilled and complex profession geared up for challenges.
Teachers of today in the Digital Age, unlike yesteryears, are indeed in an influential scenario. They are called for, to develop a series of attributes for their practice in relation to pedagogy, content, student sophistication, and their aptitude to engage students in manifestation. It is in this course of action the students mould themselves assisted by their educator to become attuned for the ever evolving Digital planet. Through reflective narrative, a tertiary educator can organize in examining to engage, explore, experience and exemplify her fitting role as an educator of the Digital Age, accomplishing to employ variations in approach and strategy.
The methods required to widen students’ language potential and career escalation as they head towards Digital Age need to be given extra focus. Since the demand is more, A ‘putting theory into practice’ approach along with ‘moving from teacher identity to student identity’ with the help of technology , learning will be made the most of. It should be an ongoing process with ease and use as teachers can create their own professional identity in and through Digital abet. This preparation of integrating technology into curriculum provides and places the students in a platform that makes them fitting inhabitants of Digital Age, as it is found to be the need of the hour.