‘Presentation Skill in Business English Classroom’ by Dr. R. Radhika

ABSTRACT Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Developing the confidence and capability to give good presentations, and to stand up in front of an… Continue reading ‘Presentation Skill in Business English Classroom’ by Dr. R. Radhika

‘Teaching Expressions of Cause, Effect, Purpose and Function in English for Students of Science and Technology’ by Dr. Meenakshi Raman

Abstract Definitions of scientific terms, descriptions of scientific and technological processes and procedures, and the like have a pride of place in most of the scientific writings. As a result, the students who pursue their undergraduate or masters program in science and technology in various universities across the world require to use several expressions in… Continue reading ‘Teaching Expressions of Cause, Effect, Purpose and Function in English for Students of Science and Technology’ by Dr. Meenakshi Raman

‘The Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach in English 1/101 towards a Faculty Development Program’ by Tichie Ann Econg-Baena

Author’s Note This manuscript is inspired by the researcher’s initiative to recognize how Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach works in the language classrooms in St. Paul University Dumaguete. All the sources that substantiate the body of literature of this paper are carefully identified and acknowledged. The main sections of the paper are presented but the… Continue reading ‘The Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach in English 1/101 towards a Faculty Development Program’ by Tichie Ann Econg-Baena

‘Usage of Facebook And Its Effect on English Language Learning’ by Jinali Patel

ABSTRACT Very few websites have become as instantly and universally popular as Facebook. It is especially popular among teenagers and college students, who find no end of joy in posting pictures, updating family and friends about their daily lives, and harvesting their virtual crops on FarmVille. In this research paper researcher has examine the usage… Continue reading ‘Usage of Facebook And Its Effect on English Language Learning’ by Jinali Patel

‘The Positive Impact of Innovative Testing Methodologies’ by D.Christina Sagaya Mary

Abstract This paper of mine discusses the manner in which the use of newsletters as a mode of alternative assessment enhances the acquisition of the LSRW skills of the English language.  This form of innovative assessment was experimented with a class of heterogeneous learners at the tertiary level. The views of scholars towards ‘paper pencil… Continue reading ‘The Positive Impact of Innovative Testing Methodologies’ by D.Christina Sagaya Mary

‘Improving Speaking Skill through Communicative Language Teaching’ by K.Pungothai

ABSTRACT Learning a language is an amazing fact and language acquisition is one of the most impressive and fascinating aspects of human development. Second language acquisition theories emphasize the role of the environment, especially opportunities to interact with speakers who adapt their language and interaction patterns to meet learners’ needs. The ever-growing need for good… Continue reading ‘Improving Speaking Skill through Communicative Language Teaching’ by K.Pungothai

‘The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction on Iranian High School Students’ Writing’ by Fatemeh Alipanahi

Abstract Currently, computer assisted language learning (CALL) is widely accepted to be a tool which can be used to facilitate the language learning process. This study aimed to investigate the effect of computer-assisted language learning on Iranian high school student writing achievement. The sample of the study consisted of sixty students distributed randomly on experimental… Continue reading ‘The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction on Iranian High School Students’ Writing’ by Fatemeh Alipanahi

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 15

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#15 | April 29, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 11th Asia TEFL International Conference: ‘Englishes across Asian Contexts: Opportunities and Challenges’, Philippines, October 2013 Conference: ‘ELT2013: International Conference on Current Trends in ELT’, Iran, May 2013 Conference: ‘Fifth N.E.A.R. Language Education Conference’, Japan, May 2013 Symposium: ‘The 4th CELC Symposium’, Singapore, May 2013 Video:… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 15