Vol. 5 Issue 28 – Conference: KOTESOL International Conference 2013, Korea, October 2013

The KOTESOL 2013 International Conference is a forum for educators to share their ideas, innovations, experience, and research findings in English language teaching (ELT). This year, the Conference will be exploring the actual and the desired roles of classroom practice in informing ELT and SLA theory.

Vol. 5 Issue 27 – ACE 2013 – The Fifth Asian Conference on Education, Japan, October 23-27

The International Academic Forum in partnership with Waseda University (Japan), Birkbeck University of London (UK), The National Institute of Education (Singapore), The National University of Tainan (Taiwan), Lincoln University (UK), the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR), Virginia Tech (USA), Auburn University (USA), and its global partners is proud to announce the Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Education, to be held from October 23-27 2013, in Osaka, Japan.

Vol. 5 Issue 26 – ‘Fourth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence’, Arizona, January 23-26, 2014

With greater awareness of the importance of intercultural competence in enabling learners to communicate effectively in an increasingly interconnected world, and with global travel and instant international communications available to a growing number of people, one of the primary goals of language teaching is to promote the acquisition of intercultural competence in the classroom and beyond.

Vol. 5 Issue 24 – Event: ‘The 9th Annual Education Summit Sakal Educon 2013’, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2013

Sakal Media Group has been successfully organizing Sakal Educon for the last eight years. It is the annual education seminar wherein, Indian Educationists and policy makers come together to address pressing issues in the education sector. It is a platform for veteran academicians to share their views on the future of education in India. It is also the right dais to fete the novel and path breaking practices across the sector. This is the forum for a perfect dialogue between the private and public sector of education. Today Educon has grown into a dynamic intellectual movement. Over the years this platform has established itself as the vital link between Academia, Industry and policy makers.

Vol. 5 Issue 24 – Conference: ‘2013 3rd International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics – ICLLL2013’, Sydney, Australia, December 2013

Looking for a tutorial on How To Be An Excellent Teacher? This practical tutorial explains accurately how it’s done, and will help you get good at teaching methods. Enjoy this advice video from the world’s most comprehensive library of free factual video content online.

Vol. 5 Issue 23 – Conference: ‘4th International Conference on Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics’, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2014

It’s been long I wrote any article for the ELTWeekly. I am glad to be on board this week 🙂 Today I would like to share six classroom games you could try out with your language students.