This article reports findings from an investigation of the English language arts (LA) assessment strategies used in Hong Kong secondary schools, and the extent to which these strategies reflect the principles of performance-based assessment.
Category: ELT
Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Video: Get the Gist – Comprehension Strategy
ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#10 | March 5, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 Demonstration of the Get the Gist comprehension strategy. Key concepts: 1. Using Get the Gist enables students to sort through all of the details in a piece of text, to find the main idea. 2. When using this strategy, you are creating a gist… Continue reading Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Video: Get the Gist – Comprehension Strategy
Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Video: Strategies for Teaching Reading: Making Predictions
ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#10 | March 5, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 Coaching elementary readers to use the reading strategy of making predictions based upon a passage of text. This teacher is using the instructional model presented in Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study for Teaching Reading program. The teacher explains to the students how to focus… Continue reading Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Video: Strategies for Teaching Reading: Making Predictions
Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Research Paper: ‘A Psychoanalytic Study of Pivotal Characters in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Macbeth’ by Jay Mehta
ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#10 | March 5, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 Abstract Psychoanalysis; fathered by Dr. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), is primarily a process for the analysis and therapy of neurosis. It has altered the course and content of twentieth century literature. Interestingly, Freud derived some of his concepts from literary works like ‘Oedipus Rex’ etc. Often… Continue reading Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Research Paper: ‘A Psychoanalytic Study of Pivotal Characters in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Macbeth’ by Jay Mehta
Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Research Paper: ‘Emotional Engagement At Work in the Service Sector’ by Aparna Marwah
ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#10 | March 5, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 1. What is Emotional Labour? Emotional labor is the expression of organizationally desired emotions by service agents during service encounters (Hochschild, 1979, 1983; Ashforth & Humphrey, 1993). Morris and Feldman (1996) define emotional labor as “the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired… Continue reading Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Research Paper: ‘Emotional Engagement At Work in the Service Sector’ by Aparna Marwah
Vol. 4 Issue 10 – Research Paper: ‘Teaching Tenses to ESL Learners: Task Based Approach’ by Dr. Krati Sharma
The term ‘tense’ can be defined as a secondary grammatical category which serves to locate an event or a situation in time. It accounts for example for the difference in the sentences ‘John leaves’ or ‘John left’. It encompasses two aspects: a morphological aspect, namely a system of tenses encoded in the verb’s morphology, and a semantic aspect dealing with the temporal location of the event or events depicted in one or more sentences: the ‘meaning’ of the various tenses.
Vol. 4 Issue 9 – ELT Webinar: ‘Using literature for language learning’, February 28, 12.00 UK time
ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#9 | February 27, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 The BBC TeachingEnglish team is hosting a webinar on “Using literature for language learning” with Fitch O’Connell on February 28, 12.00 UK time. Rob Lewis says, “Using literature – in particular short stories and poetry – as a tool for language learning has opened up new paths… Continue reading Vol. 4 Issue 9 – ELT Webinar: ‘Using literature for language learning’, February 28, 12.00 UK time
Vol. 4 Issue 9 – ELTWO Research Paper: ‘Assessing Students’ Language Arts Performance: The Experience of Hong Kong Teachers’ by Benjamin Li
This article reports findings from an investigation of the English language arts (LA) assessment strategies used in Hong Kong secondary schools, and the extent to which these strategies reflect the principles of performance-based assessment.
Vol. 4 Issue 9 – ELTWO Research Paper: ‘Five Reasons Why Listening Strategy Instruction Might Not Work With Lower Proficiency Learners’ by Willy A Renandya
Despite numerous theoretical discussions and empirical studies that have been generated in the past 30 years or so, a strategic approach to teaching L2 listening has not been whole-heartedly embraced by practitioners, in particular when they work with lower proficiency learners of English.
Vol. 4 Issue 9 – Video: Strategies for Teaching Reading: Thinking Partners
Teaching whole group reading skills using the thinking partners interactive read aloud strategy. Linda Hoyt’s Interactive Read-Alouds will help you make the most of this time by showing you creative ways to use popular children’s literature to teach specific standards and build fluency and comprehension. Combining guided conversations with reflective thinking, Linda’s read-aloud lessons engage children in strategic listening, speaking, reading and writing about text.