Vol. 4 Issue 12 – National Seminar on ‘Virtual Communication – An Emerging Trend And Its Impact On Pedagogy’ at Padmavati College of Engineering, Rourkela on July 7, 2012

ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#12 | March 19, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036

Padmavati College of Engineering, Rourkela, is organizing a national seminar on ‘Virtual Communication – An Emerging Trend And Its Impact On Pedagogy’ on July 7, 2012.

About the seminar

Virtual communication denotes the process of communication on the virtual plane. In the modern age, it encompasses a broad spectrum of concepts, technologies and practices that are central to our daily lives. Present day life style is all about speed. The mode of communication has been revolutionized with the advent of technological boom. People communicate with their friend or co-worker in another country or continent through different virtual media. It is no more a herculean task to disseminate knowledge through the virtual plane. The target of achieving maximum output by minimizing the cost has leveraged profit earning sectors to adventure with different modes of communication. Even corporate sectors have minimized their cost with the introduction of virtual communication for different official requirements. Virtual meetings, webinars, e-discussions, video conferencing etc are some of the regular events in the corporate houses. Academia and educational institutes too rely much on virtual communication in the present milieu. Pedagogy, as such, has been revolutionized with the technological dynamism. Proliferation of technical tools and media like social networking sites, personal e-accounts, webcam, internet telephony, voice mail etc has inevitably transmogrified lifestyle of common people.

The mode of exploiting technologies, such as email and collaboration tools, influence the quality of the work people do and can determine their ability to function as a high producing, high performing workforce. Virtual communication facilitates the ability to know and understand how to access and share information electronically and is a portal through which a world of limitless learning opportunities co-exist.

Deadline for Application:

The last date for receiving the proposal for participation and 300 words abstract is: April 1, 2012. The abstract may be sent as an email attachment to Prof. Sanchita Choudhury (choudhury.sanchita@gmail.com). Participants would be intimated by April 20, 2012 if their abstracts are selected. The last date for receiving the full paper (within 1500-2000 words or reading time 15 minutes) is May 10, 2012. After the seminar we intend to publish the selected papers in a book form.

Registration Fee:

For the workshop and seminar each outstation participant is required to pay a registration fee of Rs. 1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Only) through a bank draft payable to Padmanava College of Engineering, Rourkela. The fee will take care of the accommodation, lunch, dinner and tea for this two-day event. The registration fee is non-refundable. Participants have to make their own travel arrangements. Registration fee for local participants is Rs. 300/- for both the days. The fee will take care of lunch and tea during the workshop.

For further information contact: 

Sanchita Choudhury, Convener, Assistant professor, Department-in-charge of Humanities, Padmanava College of Engineering, Sector-4, Rourkela, Pin-769002, Odisha.

Mobile: +91-9437002182, Email- choudhury.sanchita@gmail.com

Sanjay Kumar Mahatwa, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Mobile: +91- 9437249094, Email: sk3mahatwa@yahoo.co.in

Gautam Patra, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & DIC Training & Placement

Mobile: +91-9437152953, Email: gautamdev2003@yahoo.co.in

Sagarika Dash, Lecturer, Department of Humanities

Mobile: +91-8093804262, Email: dash.sagarika2008@gmail.com

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