Using CLIL to keep young learners engaged

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036]

The Pearson English team has published an article ‘Using CLIL to keep young learners engaged’ by Mario Herrera.

Herrera says, “We all know that CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is one of the pillars of updated English Language Teaching Methodology. It goes alongside 21st Century Skills and the pursuance of clear, attainable, age-appropriate benchmarks.

When it comes to teaching preschoolers, CLIL constitutes a safeguard for any curricular purposes that a school might have. We basically have to prepare students for two possible pathways: many will continue in an EFL academic environment and some of them will participate in bilingual curricula. The right CLIL strand serves them both and, most importantly, keeps very young learners engaged.

What exactly is CLIL?

For young learners, CLIL is the teaching of content at par with the curriculum they are following at school in their native language.

Math, science, social studies, art, and so on, form part of the young learner curriculum. Through CLIL, these subjects are also be integrated into their ELT classes, albeit more straightforward way and with a stronger language focus”.

Using CLIL to keep young learners engaged

Pearson English