[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 1 | February 18, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036]
The Cambridge University ELT team has published an article on grammar teaching.
Niall Curry says, “In the first of a series of Grammar blog posts, our Senior ELT Research Manager, Niall Curry, lets us in on what goes on behind the scenes to find out the latest ways to teach grammar.
Discovering grammar
Learning how to effectively use grammatical structures is a shared-goal by language learners world-wide. To this end, much of our work at Cambridge University Press involves analysing learner language. We do this using our Cambridge Learner Corpus; a 55-million-word corpus of students’ written responses to Cambridge English exams.
The value of this corpus is manifold. It gives us an insight into how learners use language. We can see their creative use of language, their critical use of language and how this changes over time. However, for this context, one of the most valuable features of the corpus is its ability to yield information on how learners struggle with grammatical items”.
Follow the link to read whole article.