Wendi Pillars has published a useful guide for the teachers of English language.
Pillars says, “Imagine the following scenario: As a new teacher, you meet with your school’s English-as-a-second-language teacher, who informs you that you have students on your class list who are English-language learners.
Your heart sinks. What will you do with “them”? How will you manage to get high scores when you have ELLs in your class? How will you be able to teach them?
Let’s shift that narrative.
You have language learners in your classes? Congratulations! Imagine all the new angles and perspectives you can include in your teaching this year, the different ways you can tap into students’ critical thinking abilities, and how you can design impactful learning experiences for all the children in your classroom.
For teachers who have ELLs in their classrooms for the first time, or for the first time in a while, I’ve created a quick guide to help jump-start your instruction”.