ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#42 | December 16, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036
The aims of this study were threefold. The first was to identify some of the key methodologies used by teachers to support the language learning of primary-aged children. There is a plethora of literature that discusses various language-teaching methodologies. Whilst educational “jargon” is avoided, there are specific references to academic research and educational terminology that inform and extend the discussion. Every effort is made to link these references to classroom practice. The second aim was to explore how ICT (information and communications technology) can be used to enhance the language skills of primary-aged children. Using ICT is one of three cross-curricular skills that teachers are required to promote as part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum (2007). The third aim was to evaluate how the use of ICT in primary classrooms enhances the curriculum provided for all the children. In terms of the third aim, the evaluation was based on oral and written feedback from teachers and children, and observations were carried out in classrooms.