ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#39 | November 11, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036
The 2nd annual Chicago International Conference on Education (Chicago ICE 2014) will be held in Chicago, a rich and complex urban landscape. Chicago ICE 2014 will again provide a venue to bring together a wide audience of academicians and professionals in related fields to discuss clearly circumscribed topics, engage in fruitful debate, in an effort to facilitate mutual understanding that will lead to possible solutions to educational concerns and continue to build a strong network of global educational leaders.
“We” The Teachers: Meeting in an International Classroom for Better Education is the theme of Chicago ICE 2014. Our goal this year is to target a diversified field of international experience and expertise in the four key areas that delineate who “We” are.
1. The role of teacher training and experiential learning opportunities for aspiring teachers.
2. The traits and best practices of effective leaders in education
3. The ingredients necessary to create productive parent and community involvement in schools and the education of our youth.
4. The changing role of technology and the ways to best utilize the many aspects of technological resources to create a thread between the teacher and student, administration and leadership, and parents and community.
Chicago International Conference on Education 2014 (Chicago ICE), USA
Dear Tarun Patel
Congratulations for a Journal of this kind that offers interesting reads on diverse themes on English Literature & Language. The Conference Alerts are indeed very informative.
Request you to furnish the important dates & Registration details for the Conferences to be held in Malaysia & Chicago in 2014
Also, I would be interested to write some article for your Journal. Kindly let me know how I could go about it.
Best Wishes & Regards