ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#35 | September 30, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036
The BBC TeachingEnglish team has published an article titled “Integrating pronunciation into classroom activities”.
BBC TeachingEnglish team team says, “Pronunciation work has traditionally taken a secondary role in language teaching to work on grammar and more recently lexis.
In my work as a teacher trainer I have been surprised at how often experienced teachers are reluctant to tackle pronunciation issues in class. I can think of at least two reasons why pronunciation tends to be neglected: firstly, the lack of clear guidelines and rules available in course books, and secondly the fact that isolated exercises once a month do not seem to have much of an effect. This is not surprising, however; like all other areas of language teaching, pronunciation needs constant attention for it to have a lasting effect on students, which means integrating it into daily classroom procedures. I find that addressing issues regularly during the language feedback or group correction stage of a lesson helps to focus learners’ attention on its importance and leads to more positive experiences.
- Using student talk to teach pronunciation
- Word stress
- Vowel sounds
- Diphthongs
- Weak forms
- Sentence stress
- Conclusion”.