1. Papers / Articles: All articles should be computerized using double-spacing, including tables, references and footnotes. Submission of manuscripts should be done in electronic more only. Electronic version of the article/research paper should be e-mailed to the Editor, ELTWeekly at

2. Abstracts: An abstract in approximately 200 words should assist the article.

3. Abbreviations: No stops are needed between capitals e.g. ELT, IELTS.

4. Figures and Tables: Tables should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals.

5. Notes: Notes should be consecutively numbered and presented at the foot of the page.

6. References: References in the text should follow the author-date system. The complete reference list should be given at the end of the article. They should be in alphabetical order.

7. Book Reviews: Book reviews must contain the name of the author and title / subtitle of the book reviewed, place of publication and publisher and date of publication.

8. For Event Submissions: Please submit your event details at least 30 days prior to the event.

9.  For a more detailed stylesheet, please write to The Editor, ELTWeekly at


  1. Your ELT weekly is really wonderful. It’ll help everyone especially English language teachers. Thank you for giving new ideas and congratulation for the vision.

  2. Dear sir,Iam excited to get the newsletter.It is highly informative.kudos to you for your contribution to English language.Good luck for your future endeavour.

    Jagan mohan rao,RAMAPPA ENGG.COLLEGE,

  3. Dear sir,

    I am really happy to go through last few issues. I always look forward to the next issue. I feel its a good attempt to provide a platform to the English language and Communication teachers to share their ideas. Hope it promotes good research in the field of pedagogy and curriculum development at various levels.
    Thanks and regards

  4. Dear Tarunbhai,

    You have really grown in knowledge and are building up a great resource.

    May God bless you with further devlopment in all the areas of life.

  5. Dear friend,
    I am an English teacher taking communication skills for Nursing students. I have written a book to promote their skills too,due to be published soon. At present I am working on some computerized lessons for slow learners. I wish to share my experiences here. I’d like to know if my publications here can be added to my CV as article published in a national journal.
    Warm regards

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