Tefltastic is loaded with the variety of resources for the teacher of English. Alex Case has posted multiple blogs and articles. He covers almost all the topics in relation to the teaching methodology. However, he has focused more on the linguistic areas useful in teaching English language.
Apart from linguistics he has also contributed a lot in the other areas such as how to deal with the students with different capabilities and students with some common problems i.e. shyness, hesitation, etc. Importantly, he also proposes few creative and innovative ways of teaching in the classroom.
In addition to this he also discusses various teaching methodology in different countries of the world. Hence, he discusses the problems faced by the teacher in the foreign country and how to overcome those problems with ease.
Indeed, for the teachers of English the blog created by him is full of worth. Lets see some of the topics he has discussed in his blog and some of is articles. The topics of various blog posts are as bellow.
- Corpus linguistics
- Discourse analysis
- EIL (English as an International Language)
- ELF- English as a Lingua Franca
- evolutionary linguistics
- Good language learners
- Teaching English Abroad
- Alternative teaching techniques
- Functional language
- ELT publishing
- and more.
To conclude I would say that he touches upon multiple issues related to the modern style of teaching. Importantly, he also shows in his posts how body language can create an effective teaching in the classroom and its significance in the classroom management.
Alex’s TEFLastic blog is available at http://www.tefl.net/alexcase/blog/
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