KSAALT 2nd Annual Conference, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 7
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers – KSAALT is accepting abstracts for the 2nd annual conference to be held on May 7, 2009.
The flagship theme is: EXEMPLARY TEACHING: THEORY AND PRACTICE. The sub-themes are:
- Technology and Language Learning
- Best Practices
- Theory and Research
- Content and Language Integrated Learning.
Submissions should clearly indicate which sub-theme will be addressed.
Please indicate clearly which format the presentation will take:
(a) A paper (35 minutes, + 10 minutes Q&A);
(b) A panel discussion (35 minutes, + 10 minutes Q&A);
(c) A workshop (45 minutes);
(d) A workshop (100 minutes) (the double-session needs to be clearly motivated.)
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words. Please submit one copy of the abstract with contact information including name, current school/institution, phone, and e-mail (and bio-data of maximum 30 words, written in the 3rd person), and one copy without contact information. The title should be 8 words or less. The description should be typed and double-spaced. Acronyms and/or abbreviations should be spelled out. Please do not copy and paste the document in the body of the email.
The deadline date for submissions is March 17, 2009 to address: conference@saudiarabianksaalt.org. All abstract submissions will be notified by April 1, 2009, and the registration fee will be waived for the presenter. One presentation equals one waived registration. Several people presenting, for example, will have only one registration waived. Please indicate what your technology needs are. A computer and projector with Microsoft Office 2007 will be in each room. Other needs need to be specified. On the day of the presentation, no photocopier will be available; presenters need to bring 30 handouts and one copy for the registration desk. Please indicate if you would like to include your email address in the conference program as well.
For further details and pre-registration, please visit: http://www.saudiarabianksaalt.org/conference.html
The International Conference on Applied Linguistics: Developments, Challenges, and Promises, Tehran, September 26-27
The International Conference on Applied Linguistics: Developments, Challenges, and Promises will be held in Tehran’s Milad Tower Conference Hall on September 26-27, 2009. The conference aims at exploring some vital issues in applied linguistics that have shaped, and are still shaping the identity of the profession. Applied linguists from across the globe are invited to contribute to a lively debate that would include ideas from some of the prominent figures of the field.
Different themes will be explored in the course of the two-day conference: applied linguistics and its definitions; globalization and its impact on ELT; applied linguistics and English as the world’s lingua franca; post method era and teacher qualifications; and research debates in applied linguistics.
The keynote speakers for the conference are (alphabetically arranged):
Professor David Block, University of London
Professor Guy Cook, The Open University
Professor Hossein Farhady, American University of Armenia
Professor Barbara Seidlhofer, University of Vienna
Professor Henry Widdowson, University of ViennaThe deadline for abstract submission is June 14, 2009. Notification of acceptance will be sent by July 10. Early registration deadline is August 5.
The whole submission process is electronic. For each submission make sure you have the following pieces of information ready so that you will not spend time composing them online.
- Title of your presentation (maximum of 12 words)
- A 30 word biodata written in third person
- A 50 word summary of the abstract that briefly introduces your presentation topic
- A 250 word abstract that clearly states your topic of presentation and its significance
Upon the completion of your electronic submission, a message will be sent to your email to acknowledge the receipt of your abstract. Only one submission will be accepted for each presenter.
For further details and pre-registration, please visit: http://www.appliedlinguistics.ir/
EFL teacher, teacher trainer and writer at PILGRIMS, UK
mario@pilgrims.co.uk; www.pilgrims.co.uk; www.hltmag.co.uk- Dr. EMILIJA SAKADOLSKIS
Vice-president of the Lithuanian Education Council- Prof. Dr. ANNELIESE FEARNS
Expert in teaching foreign languages for specific purposes, co-author of „Handbuch des Fachsprachenunterrichts“
University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz, Germany- Prof. Dr. THIERRY LEBEAUPIN
Centre of Applied Linguistics, BesançonVENUE: Vilnius University
5 Universiteto St.
Vilnius LT – 01513
Ph.: +370 5 268 72 63, +370 5 268 72 64
Fax.: +370 5 268 72 65ORGANIZERS:
Institute of Foreign Languages,
- Plenary speeches
- Presentations
- Workshops
FEES:Speaker’s fee – € 90Visitor’s fee – € 15
Fees will be paid on arrival.SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Proposals for contributions should be received by 1 June 2009. Presenters will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by 1 July 2009.For further details and pre-registration, please visit: http://www.uki.vu.lt/en/register/
The organizing committee of the 19th annual IATEFL Hungary Conference cordially invites the members of IATEFL-Hungary and all English teachers around the world to take part in their annual conference in Budapest, 2-4 October 2009.
The title of the conference is: ‘Global skills for global needs: facing challenges in 21st century classrooms’
In our globalised world English is the language which reaches across cultures. Thus, language educators cannot ignore the many various contexts in which English is used, taught and learned when thinking about the pedagogical implications that govern everyday practice. We invite you to think together with us and explore the ramifications of English as the world language and to find solutions for possible tensions between global and local issues. Are schools ready for the challenge? Find out yourself.
If you are interested in the topic of the conference and would like to meet your colleagues at a relaxed and professionally refreshing event, join us in October.
For further details and pre-registration, please visit: http://iatefl.hu/content.php?id=0177
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