#68, Article: ‘Teaching English As A Foreign Language – Seven Reasons Why Using Music Is Important’ by Larry M. Lynch

Using Music in Teaching English as a Foreign Language Of the many tools and resources available to both EFL or ESL teachers and foreign language learners, music is one of the best, but most under-used. Many texts and information volumes are on the market to aid both teachers and learners in the process of applying… Continue reading #68, Article: ‘Teaching English As A Foreign Language – Seven Reasons Why Using Music Is Important’ by Larry M. Lynch

#52, Article: ‘Teaching English As a Foreign Language With Social Responsibility’ by Larry M. Lynch

Teaching English As a Foreign Language With Social Responsibility By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Larry_M._Lynch]Larry M. Lynch Teaching English as a Foreign Language Are you conserving and recycling water? As EFL, ESL or foreign language teaching professionals we ultimately have a responsibility to our learners, our adopted communities and ourselves as a form of social responsibility. We can quite… Continue reading #52, Article: ‘Teaching English As a Foreign Language With Social Responsibility’ by Larry M. Lynch