Vol. 4 Issue 15 – Research Article: ‘Is a Uniform Curriculum Possible? The Clash between the Needs-based and Means-based Curriculums and Ideal Language Courses’ by Manash Pratim Borah

In the present educational system of India the disparity between the needs-based and means-based language courses will be an obvious factor in practical field. Whether the curriculums prepared by states councils or central board in India which need to address and operate with a wide variety of cultures, ethnicities and languages of states and of the country as well can be reduced to any unified notion of compiling based on uniform standard and material or not is certainly a debatable issue. Specifically in North-East India, the institutes and colleges adopting the CBSE/NCERT course contents always have faced serious problems to meet up the needs of students coming from heterogeneous language background and remote areas. Even within a single territory or in colleges/institutions under an affiliated university, the curriculum that does well in some situations may not give expected results in another (Dudley-Evans and St. John 124). There should be provisions for compiling curriculums of language courses by mixing up both the needs and means analysis methods and every educational institute should be asked to compile the means-based part of own depending on the requirements of the students and the environment.