‘How do you teach the difference between “a” and “the” during conversation class?’ by Eric Roth

[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 18 | July 21, 2014 | ISSN 0975-3036] Helping English language learners distinguish articles remains important in advanced ESL and English conversation classes “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” ―Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) Dutch painter Does it make sense to emphasize the difference between articles (a, an, the)… Continue reading ‘How do you teach the difference between “a” and “the” during conversation class?’ by Eric Roth

‘Fantastic YouTube videos for the ESL classroom’ by Eric Roth

[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 16 | June 30, 2014 | ISSN 0975-3036] CompellingConversations’ compilation of YouTube videos for ESL teachers and students alike “We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.” ―Mary Catherine Bateson (1939- ), American writer and cultural anthropologistWant to make use of YouTube’s gigantic collection of ESL and… Continue reading ‘Fantastic YouTube videos for the ESL classroom’ by Eric Roth

The Undergraduate Lecture: Four Teaching Styles

[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 8 | March 17, 2014] The undergraduate lecture at an American university is characterized by a wide range of styles and presentation methods. This video shows four lecture prototypes of this range of styles. The dynamics of classroom management and material presentation are quite different. The four styles are 1) The Formalist,… Continue reading The Undergraduate Lecture: Four Teaching Styles

Vol. 5 Issue 21 – Video: Second Language Acquisition And Second Language Sensitivity

SLA is not merely the acquisition of the basic language skills, it has to take into account the question of acquiring the stylistic features of the target language. The theories of Chomsky and Krashen fail to address the question of acquiring stylistic competence in the target language.