ELT and the Environment with Harry Waters [Podcast]

Here is a TEFLology podcast episode titled ‘ELT and the Environment with Harry Waters’. This episode considers the environment, climate change, sustainability, and other green matters with regard to the ELT industry and teaching practice, and features our guest – Harry Waters.  Based in Spain, Harry has been working in the TEFL world for over 14… Continue reading ELT and the Environment with Harry Waters [Podcast]

3 Steps to Writing Better Lesson Plans

Edutopia contributor Amir Taron Ayres has published an article titled ‘3 Steps to Writing Better Lesson Plans’. He says, “Learning how to align assignments and assessments with goals and instruction took some time for me. I had yet to grasp the integral concept of backward design, otherwise known as starting at the end. On top… Continue reading 3 Steps to Writing Better Lesson Plans

Teaching pragmatics to young learners of the digital age

Cambridge Blog contributor Christina Giannikas has published an article titled ‘Teaching pragmatics to young learners of the digital age’. She says, “Pragmatic competence can be challenging for young learners if they only gain limited exposure to the language for real communication in an authentic social setting. In this article, we will see how the digital… Continue reading Teaching pragmatics to young learners of the digital age

5 Creative Activities To Practise Vocabulary In The Classroom

The OUP ELT team has published an article featuring useful vocabulary development techniques. As the end of the term approaches, many of us English language teachers are looking for engaging vocabulary revision games or fun ideas to wrap up the school year.  To make this time memorable and enjoyable for your students, here are 5… Continue reading 5 Creative Activities To Practise Vocabulary In The Classroom

Developing life competencies with back-to-school icebreaker activities

Cambridge ELT expert Jade Blue has published an article on developing life competencies with back-to-school icebreaker activities. She says, “For many learners, starting or returning to school after the summer break can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Some learners may feel anxious about not knowing anyone in the class, others may feel nervous after… Continue reading Developing life competencies with back-to-school icebreaker activities

6 ways to use Cambridge English speaking videos with teens

Cambridge ELT expert Billie Jago has published an article featuring six ways to use Cambridge English speaking videos with teens. She says, “When learners are preparing for their Cambridge English exam, it can often be challenging for them to imagine what their real-life Speaking test will be like. A great way to help them experience… Continue reading 6 ways to use Cambridge English speaking videos with teens

Why teach life competencies? Webinar, February 2023

Cambridge is hosting a webinar series ‘Why teach life competencies? Classroom activities for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers & A2 Flyers’ February 21 and February 23, 2023. The Cambridge team says, “Why teach life competencies? Our world is changing fast and we need to prepare our students with the skills and experiences that go beyond… Continue reading Why teach life competencies? Webinar, February 2023