6 ways to use Cambridge English speaking videos with teens

Cambridge ELT expert Billie Jago has published an article featuring six ways to use Cambridge English speaking videos with teens.

She says, “When learners are preparing for their Cambridge English exam, it can often be challenging for them to imagine what their real-life Speaking test will be like. A great way to help them experience it for themselves is by using Cambridge speaking exam videos in class. These videos can also make your classes more dynamic, engaging and personalised.  

What are Cambridge English speaking videos?

Cambridge English speaking videos show candidates taking the Speaking test for their Cambridge exam. There are videos for each level, from Pre A1 Starters through to C2 Proficiency, including our exams for schools. They show each part of the Speaking test, along with examiner comments and feedback on each candidate according to the Cambridge marking criteria.

Teaching with video allows learners to see and experience the exam for themselves, and can help them better understand what their own Cambridge exam experience will be like. Watching the speaking videos can also give learners tips to help improve their own speaking.”

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