#36, Research Article: ‘Language and Culture’ by Mahsa Kia

Culture is the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education.(Webster dictionary)

The national centre for cultural competence defines culture as an” integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs, values, customs, courtesies, rituals, manners of interacting and roles, relationships and expected behaviors of racial, ethnic, religious or social group; and the ability to transmit the above to the succeeding generation.(Good,Sockalingam,Brown&Jones,2000)

ELTWeekly Issue#19, Research paper: A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes

A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes By Sert, Olcay Descriptors: Comparative Analysis; Second Language Learning; Grammar; Assignments; Language Teachers; English (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; Grouping (Instructional Purposes) Publication date: 2005-10-00 Pages: 18 Abstract: Assignments prepared in pair-work have long been evaluated to be more successful when compared to individually prepared assignments in many respects in foreign language learning contexts. However,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#19, Research paper: A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes