ELTWeekly Issue#20, Worldwide ELT events

The Handheld Learning Conference, October 5-7, London The Handheld Learning Conference is the world’s leading event about learning using mobile and inexpensive access technologies, attended by more than 1,500 international delegates. Lead speakers for 2009 include: Malcolm McLaren, Agent provocateur and artist James Paul Gee, Presidential Professor of Literacy Studies at Arizona State University Professor… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#20, Worldwide ELT events

ELTWeekly Issue#20, Cool ELT Resources

ESLgo.com ESL go is a free English community of ESL students and ESL teachers. We help ESL students learning English as a second language through free ESL classes and free English practice message boards. ESL go.com also provides free teaching ESL activities for TESOL, TESL, and TEFL. Learning ESL – English as a second language/foreign language: 1. Take… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#20, Cool ELT Resources

ELTWeekly Issue#20, Book of the week: Teaching English Language Learners

Teaching English Language Learners: Content and Language in Middle and Secondary Mainstream Classrooms By Michaela Wyman Colombo and Dana Furbush Book Details Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc (November 12, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 1412959659 ISBN-13: 978-1412959650 Price: $38.65 Book Description ‘Teaching English Language Learners: Content and Language in Middle and Secondary Mainstream Classrooms‘ provides… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#20, Book of the week: Teaching English Language Learners

ELTWeekly Issue #20, Word of the week: otiose

otiose • OH-shee-ohss 1 : producing no useful result : futile 2 : being at leisure : idle 3 : lacking use or effect : functionless Example Sentence: “Half the streets are cobbled and half wide, empty, modern highways at whose pretentious crossings an occasional rickshaw waits for the otiose traffic lights to change to green.” To know… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #20, Word of the week: otiose

ELTWeekly Issue#19 Contents

– Worldwide ELT news – Video of the week: ELT – Warmup – Worldwide ELT events – Research paper: A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes – Article: 15 fun activities for prepositions of time By Alex Case – Article: Communicative Language Teaching in India By Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi – Article: Improve Your Reading Skills… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#19 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue#19, Article: Improve Your Reading Skills By Dr. Naveen K Mehta

Improve Your Reading Skills By Dr. Naveen K Mehta (drnknmehta73@gmail.com), Faculty, ICAI, New Delhi  “Reading is to mind what exercise is to body.” -Richard Steele) Undoubtedly, Reading helps to develop and improve other skills. Reading enriches our knowledge bank and leads us to a world of better understanding and healthy relationship. The primary function of reading is… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#19, Article: Improve Your Reading Skills By Dr. Naveen K Mehta

ELTWeekly Issue#19, Research paper: A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes

A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes By Sert, Olcay Descriptors: Comparative Analysis; Second Language Learning; Grammar; Assignments; Language Teachers; English (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; Grouping (Instructional Purposes) Publication date: 2005-10-00 Pages: 18 Abstract: Assignments prepared in pair-work have long been evaluated to be more successful when compared to individually prepared assignments in many respects in foreign language learning contexts. However,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#19, Research paper: A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes

ELTWeekly Issue#19, Article: 15 fun activities for prepositions of time By Alex Case

15 fun activities for prepositions of time By Alex Case 1. Prepositions of time SNAP Prepare playing cards with the preposition of time replaced with a gap, with at least two different prepositions in the pack and approximately the same number of cards for each preposition- for example, 10 cards with “at” missing, 10 cards… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#19, Article: 15 fun activities for prepositions of time By Alex Case