More Passionate Writing Assignments That Motivate Language Learners By Larry M. Lynch Even Ernest Hemingway Had to Learn to Write We said in the first article of this series that there are no native writers of English or any other foreign language for that matter. Each of us, no matter what our first language is,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Article: Passionate Writing Assignments That Motivate Language Learners
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Quote of the week
“I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Quote of the week
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Worldwide ELT events
ELT in India Today and Tomorrow, Udaipur, India, November 5-6-7 The First International EFL ESL Conference will be held at in Udaipur in November 2009. The aim of this conference is to bring together EFL practitioners from across the Globe to exchange views on a wide range of issues in ELT EFL ESL practice and research. Through this… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Worldwide ELT events
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Free eBook: Equal Opportunity and Diversity: The Handbook for Teachers of English
Equal Opportunity and Diversity: The Handbook for Teachers of English This 96-page handbook has been produced for English teachers, by English teachers. It provides you with good practical advice and ideas on how to become more aware and integrate aspects of equal opportunity and diversity into your work. The book is a showcase of best… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Free eBook: Equal Opportunity and Diversity: The Handbook for Teachers of English
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Book of the Week: ESL Active Learning Lessons
ESL Active Learning Lessons: 15 Complete Content-Based Units to Reinforce Language Skills and Concepts by Imogene Forte Book Description ESL Active Learning LessonsnThis book offers an invaluable resource for English as a Second Language teachers. Each unit provides practice and reinforcement in the use of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary will develop as students acquire… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Book of the Week: ESL Active Learning Lessons
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Video #1: The Ideas of Chomsky-BBC interview (part-1)
This is a very early and also very interesting interview with Noam Chomsky regarding his Linguistic work published at the time. The last part contains a discussion of his political views regarding the Vietnam war and Libertarian Socialism.
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Video #2: The Ideas of Chomsky-BBC interview (part-2)
Here’s the second part of BBC’s interview with Noam Chomsky regarding his Linguistic work published at the time.
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Research Paper: English Language Teaching in Rural Area
English Language Teaching in Rural Area by Nutan Yadav, Lecturer Govt. College, Nalwa(Hisar) Haryana Teaching of English over ages Even after 40 to 50 years of teaching of English, learners in India lack competence in this language. The teaching of English in India at all three levels i.e. primary, secondary &tertiary level is still fraught… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Research Paper: English Language Teaching in Rural Area
ELTWeekly Issue#30, Research Paper: An Exploratory Outlook in the Use of Vocabulary Notebook
An Exploratory Outlook in the Use of Vocabulary Notebook by P.Dasharatham, V.Sudhakar Rao, Dr.V.Srinivas and K.Yugandhar Teaching learning vocabulary is a major concern in ESL class. Role of learners and their involvement is the crux in acquiring the word power in English language. Vocabulary notebooks play a vital role in promoting vocabulary acquisition besides learner autonomy.… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#30, Research Paper: An Exploratory Outlook in the Use of Vocabulary Notebook
ELTWeekly Issue#29 Contents
– Quote of the week – Video: Real World English in Classrooms – Research Paper: Use of technology in English Language Learning – Book of the Week: Research-Based Strategies for English Language Learners: How to Reach Goals and Meet Standards, K-8 – Worldwide ELT events – Article: Making Effective Use of Short Stories in English Or Foreign Language Teaching – GUIDELINES FOR… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#29 Contents