The Ubiquity of the English Language and the Cruxes in Learning it as a First Language in India by Aadhi Ramesh Babu, Asst. Professor in English in Kamala Institute of Technology and Sciences, Huzurabad, Karimnagar, Andrapradesh India is a vast country with different languages in different parts of the country. These regional languages differ from each… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32, Research Paper: The Ubiquity of the English Language and the Cruxes in Learning it as a First Language in India
ELTWeekly Issue#32, Research Paper: Significance of Group works in Heterogeneous Classroom
Significance of Group Works in Heterogeneous Classroom by Dr.N.V.Bose, Institute of Language teaching, Jamnagar, Gujarat (boseenvy AT rediffmail DOT com) ABSTRACT The use of group works in the second language classroom has been supported by both theoretical and pedagogical arguments. The language generated in group work sessions is near to real life and not mere reproduction of… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32, Research Paper: Significance of Group works in Heterogeneous Classroom
EDUCATION AND LITERACY by G.MANJULATHAdEVI, Asst Prof English, Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagar Education is not acquisition of academic qualifications. However, acquiring academic qualifications is possible through literacy, which is the very foundation of the knowledge to read and write. Here is where exactly education distinguishes itself from literacy. Education is something that comprises the highest… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32, Article: EDUCATION AND LITERACY
ELTWeekly Issue#32, Video: 10 Steps to Teaching Vowels and Consonant Sounds
This is a video to demonstrate the teaching tips Jennifer listed in her blog entry at http://englishwithjennifer The topic of the video is ’10 Steps to Teaching Vowels and Consonant Sounds’.
ELTWeekly Issue#32, Quote of the Week
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama
ELTWeekly Issue#32 – ‘To The Eternal Learner of English’ – a poem by Dr K K Ray
To The Eternal Learner of English (Specially for 5th September-Teacher’s Day) by Dr. Kum Kum Ray These dragging, drudges, forty ticks of a minutes hand, That brings us together Huddled in a classroom For this eternal cycle, Of give and take, In the rare commodity One calls knowledge… In the shivering cold, And thundering rain,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32 – ‘To The Eternal Learner of English’ – a poem by Dr K K Ray
ELTWeekly Issue#32, Book Review: ‘globish – The World Over’
‘globish – The World Over’ by Jean-Paul Nerriere and David Hon reviewed by Tarun Patel ‘Globish – The World Over’ is a 168-page ebook written by Jean-Paul Nerriere and David Hon. This ebook is divided into two parts – ‘The Problem with Learning English’ and ‘Elements of Globish’. It featuers 23 chapters. The ISBN of ‘Globish’ is 978-2-212-86542-4.… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32, Book Review: ‘globish – The World Over’
ELTWeekly Issue#32, Article: 5 Ways to Handle a Heterogeneous Language Class
5 Ways to Handle a Heterogeneous Language Class by Tarun Patel, Founder of In my ELT and Communication skills classrooms, I have to face the students with varied linguistic backgrounds. They belong to different part of the country and have been using their mother tongue during their elementary education. This brings a big challenge… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32, Article: 5 Ways to Handle a Heterogeneous Language Class
ELTWeekly Issue#31, Free eBook: English Next
English Next English Next was commissioned by the British Council and written by researcher David Graddol – a British applied linguist, well known as a writer, broadcaster, researcher and consultant on issues relating to global English. The new report argues that we are already in a very new kind of environment and a new phase… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#31, Free eBook: English Next
ELTWeekly Issue#31 Contents
– Quote of the Week – Video: TESOL Methods – Article: Making Effective Use of Short Stories in English Or Foreign Language Teaching – Book of the Week: The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher – Free eBook: English Next – Worldwide ELT Events – Research Paper: New Experiment in Old Laboratory – Research Paper: How to teach English… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#31 Contents