ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 ** This paper is submitted for publication by Dr. Madhavi Kesari, JNTUHCEJ, Nachupally. Abstract Visual devices such as graphs and tables are convenient ways of displaying large quantities of information in a form that is quick and simple to understand. According to Sharon (2000), graphs can be… Continue reading #90, Research Paper: ‘Graphical Representation: An Effective Tool of Developing Writing Skills in an Academic’ by Madhavi Kesari
Category: ELTWeekly
ELTWeekly Issue#89 Contents
Word of the week: Class contract Video: English Language Teaching In Action – Disc 3: Receptive Skills Susan Ryan’s Tip: Frequently Mispronounced Consonant Resource of the week: Forvo – Online Pronouncing Dictionary Article: ‘English Language Games Make Teaching Vocabulary Fun and Easy!’ by Karlee Demierre ‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’ By… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#89 Contents
#89, ‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’ By Daljeet Singh Bawa & Aparna Marwah
Daljeet Singh Bawa & Aparna Marwah work with Bharati Vidyapeeth University Institute of Management & Research, A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063. In a world on the move, the need for technology in any of its form is desired every minute of every day. For any type of technology to stay in vogue, real-time information… Continue reading #89, ‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’ By Daljeet Singh Bawa & Aparna Marwah
#89, Article: ‘Language and Body Language’ by V. Radhika
V. Radhika works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Missions University, Paiyanoor, Chennai. Language is categorized as spoken language and written language. Spoken language is mostly different from the written language. The function of the language is for communicating the common experience of human beings. Apart from verbal… Continue reading #89, Article: ‘Language and Body Language’ by V. Radhika
ELTWeekly Issue#88 Contents
Word of the week: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic – VAK Video: English Language Teaching In Action – Disc 2: Productive Skills Resource of the week: Learnable.com (Take an online course. Or make your own.) Susan Ryan’s Tip: Frequently Mispronounced Consonant Advertisement: Station-e Language Lab Article: ‘The Status of English Language Teaching in Pakistan’ by Syed… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#88 Contents
#88, Research Paper: ‘The Daily Newspaper and the English Text books: A Study’ by Dr. Shree Deepa
Dr. Shree Deepa works with the University of Hyderabad. English Text books are indispensable entities in the language class room. Newspapers are mere ‘aids’ or additional decorative material. Text books are printed and published in different editions and remain in print for years. One edition of the text book lasts for a particular period of time… Continue reading #88, Research Paper: ‘The Daily Newspaper and the English Text books: A Study’ by Dr. Shree Deepa
#88, Research Paper: ‘What the Learners Don’t’ Learn, Why?: An Investigative Study of the Grammatical Errors of Hindi-medium ESL learners of Uttar Pradesh’ by Dr. Praggya M Singh
Dr.Praggya M. Singh works as an Associate Professor in English at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan. English has been a subject of great instructional concern for educators in all sectors of education in India. The recent expansion of convent and English medium schools has become a reality. This is due to the lack of public attention to English taught… Continue reading #88, Research Paper: ‘What the Learners Don’t’ Learn, Why?: An Investigative Study of the Grammatical Errors of Hindi-medium ESL learners of Uttar Pradesh’ by Dr. Praggya M Singh
ELTWeekly Issue#87 Contents
Word of the week: Rubric Video: What’s on TeachingEnglish Article: ‘Teaching Reading to English Language Learners’ by Deborah Chitester Join MA, M. Phil. Programs at H M Patel Institute of English Training and Research Article: ‘Power-Point Presentation – A tool to enhance speaking skills of ESL learners’ by Dr. N. Padmasree and Ms.Krati Sharma Research… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#87 Contents
#87, Article: ‘Power-Point Presentation – A tool to enhance speaking skills of ESL learners’ by Dr. N. Padmasree and Ms.Krati Sharma
Dr. N. Padmasree and Ms.Krati Sharma work with Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India. ESL learners especially those who are pursuing professional and technical courses need to know and understand the importance of making presentations in their professional life. For them it is a tool, a medium, a way to express themselves with the provided aid. In the present… Continue reading #87, Article: ‘Power-Point Presentation – A tool to enhance speaking skills of ESL learners’ by Dr. N. Padmasree and Ms.Krati Sharma
ELTWeekly Issue#86 Contents
Video: Learn English the British Council way Word of the week: Test teach test Event: IATEFL 2011: Brighton Online, April 15-19 Book Review: ‘Introductions to Language Study’ Reviewed by Rana Faqir Muhammad Aslam Article: ‘English Language Teaching – Using Toys as Educational Tools’ by Larry M. Lynch Advertisement: Station-e Language Lab Article: Teaching without a… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#86 Contents