ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 10

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#10 | March 18, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 ELT CONFERENCES ELT Conferences in Turkey and Macau VIDEOS Teaching reading in every class Oxford Big Read Activity – Movie posters Teaching English Grammar – Superlative Adjectives ARTICLES OUP Article: Five things I think I know about teaching reading Cambridge Journals Article: Publishing your work… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 10

Vol. 5 Issue 10 – 2 ELT Conferences in Turkey and Macau

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#10 | March 18, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 1. Conference in Turkey : 4th International ELT Students Convention, 6- 8 May, 2013 The conference welcomes all undergraduate and postgraduate students of English language studies to share their experiences and research results. By bringing together students from all around the world, the conference intends to… Continue reading Vol. 5 Issue 10 – 2 ELT Conferences in Turkey and Macau

Vol. 5 Issue 10 – 5 Popular Posts on EnglishTeachingDaily.com

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#10 | March 18, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 Here are the five popular posts from our EnglishTeachingDaily.com team. 1. Pronunciation – the poor relation? 2. Teaching English Grammar Lesson: Types of verb 3. Skills circuits: Recycling language 4. Developing Reading Skills 5. Developing pronunciation through songs.  

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 9

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#9 | March 11, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036  ELT CONFERENCES 5 ELT Conferences Worldwide VIDEOS Oxford Big Read Activity – Story webs 6 Confusing Words: fun & funny, famous & popular, surprise & shock RESEARCH PAPERS ‘The Effect of E-Books on Teaching of English: A Literature Review’ by Ratna Rao ‘A Bottom Up… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 9

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 8

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#8 | March 4, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 VIDEOS Oxford Big Read Activity – Word games Vowel Pronunciation – u (uh/oo) Supporting teenagers with specific learning needs (Part 1) Supporting teenagers with specific learning needs (Part 2) ESL WORKSHEETS Telephone Roleplays Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Relative Clauses [for Speaking Lessons] RESEARCH PAPERS… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue 8

Vol. 5 Issue 8 – Conference: LInCS2013, Riga, Latvia, Latvia – May 23-24, 2013

Instituto Franklin- UAH will host the First International Conference on Bilingual Education in a Globalized World: Comparison between Spain and the United States. This conference aims to be an open forum for debate among specialists and people interested in education, bilingualism and its relationship with other social, cultural, political, economic, linguistic and pedagogical issues.

Vol. 5 Issue 7 – Conference: ‘Across and Beyond English Language – Linguistics, Literature, Didactics’, Durrës, Albania – April 5-6, 2013

The conference will take place in central building of the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, organized and supported by the English Language Department of the Faculty of Education at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës.

Vol. 5 Issue 7 – Conference: ‘First International Conference on Bilingual Education in a Globalized World’, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, May 9-11, 2013

Instituto Franklin- UAH will host the First International Conference on Bilingual Education in a Globalized World: Comparison between Spain and the United States. This conference aims to be an open forum for debate among specialists and people interested in education, bilingualism and its relationship with other social, cultural, political, economic, linguistic and pedagogical issues.