ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue 46

ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#46 | November 12, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 Video: Teaching Listening: Gist & Detail Article: ‘How to Get a TEFL Job in South Korea’ by Matthew Clark Symposium: ‘Literary London: The Ages of Dickens and Victoria’, Oxford and Cambridge Club, London, December 15–17 Video: Jack C. Richards on Teaching Principles Conference: ’7th International… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue 46

Vol. 4 Issue 46 – Research Paper: 'The effects of computer on language learning and teaching' by Dr. Fatemeh Alipanahi

The purpose of this study was to discuss the effectiveness of using computer on language teaching and language learning. This research was conducted using freshmen university students. The results of the study indicated that computer assisted instruction is an effective method of delivering information literacy skills Instruction. Students were able to select an appropriate database for their topic and navigate through, select, and print information that supported their focus questions with minimal involvement on the part of the teacher. These findings may also be useful for considering the likely effects of current teaching practices, subject-by-subject, level-by-level, and pedagogy-by pedagogy. A fuller treatment of the research literature on differential computer use practices will be provided in a later draft.

Vol. 4 Issue 46 – Symposium on 'Continuing Professional Development for English Language Teachers and Trainers',Gujarat – India, November 22

ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#46 | November 12, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 For more information and registration, please visit www.waymadedu.org or email Rakesh Ranjan (rakeshranjan123@hotmail.com).

Vol. 4 Issue 46 – Book Review – Coulmas, F. Sociolinguistics: The study of speakers’ choices. Cambridge: USA, 2005

This book was written essentially to handle the concept of ‘choice’ and its effect on speakers’ linguistic determination. It elaborates upon the perception that language adoption is related to human society and its members and is influenced by space, time variation, age, gender and culture. The author has exhibited the interconnection of the choice of language with how, what, and when people would speak. In addition, it aims to shed light on how, within the environments and communities in which people are living, ‘societal factors’ integrate unconsciously, sometimes compulsorily, with their original language, as they are living in a single unified circle and each factor can affect the other.

Vol. 4 Issue 46 – Symposium: 'Literary London: The Ages of Dickens and Victoria', Oxford and Cambridge Club, London, December 15–17

The symposium will entertain papers written on subjects of literature, culture, arts, religion, capitalism, public education and of the Dickensian era through the Victoria Age. The Age of Dickens and the Age of Victoria, were, combined possibly the most dymanmic century ever to exist in the English speaking world.

Vol. 4 Issue 46 – Article: 'How to Get a TEFL Job in South Korea' by Matthew Clark

We’ve seen teachers in Korea who swear by their public school jobs and we’ve seen teachers who say they’d never teach in anything other than a private school (hagwons/kindergartens) in Korea. For the public school positions, the bar has been raised in terms of the qualifications and experience of the teachers accepted.