Time management – practical ways to make your teaching life easier

On Cambridge English, Olha Madylus has published an article on managing teaching time.

Teaching is not an easy job and all of us find ourselves managing huge responsibilities and countless tasks, big and small, on a daily basis.

It is not surprising that by the end of the week, we feel exhausted, yet still have a mountain of students’ work to mark by Monday. According to research from the Education Policy Unit, most full-time teachers work an average of 48.2 hours per week with many working as many as 60 hours per week. Does this sound like you?

The BIG question is – can there really be a way to make sustainable changes that allow us to have more time for ourselves without sacrificing our students’ progress or feeling guilty, and maybe even helping our students be more motivated and more successful in the long run?

It seems ironic that with students not attending school around the world during the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many teachers have reported that they are even more stressed and working even longer hours in order to help their students as much as possible.

Time management – practical ways to make your teaching life easier