Article: Why Teachers Should Introduce Presentation Practice into English Language Classes

[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 22 | September 15, 2014 | ISSN 0975-3036]

The OUP ELT blog has published an article dealing with international tests.

Many people are terrified of speaking in public, even though it probably isn’t true that it edges out death at the top of the list of most common fears.  My first presentation was over ten years ago at a local conference for English teachers. I was very nervous and not at all confident speaking in front of my peers. I don’t really remember much about the presentation, but since then I’ve gone on to give more than 100 talks at conferences, events, and seminars. I’m now pretty happy in front of a room full of strangers, and presenting has become one of the most enjoyable parts of my job.

There are several good reasons to introduce presentation and public speaking practice into our EFL and ESL classes. The first and most important is that effective presentation and public speaking skills are a valuable life skill. Many of our learners will need them in the future, and appreciate the chance to practice them now. Presentation practice also allows teachers to introduce personalisation and different topics into classes. Learners can choose the content they present, and this brings a variety of information and ideas into the classroom. Learners can learn more about each other, and presentations can also be an easy way to break up a course and provide a change of pace.

Read full article.

1 comment

  1. I agree totally. As I have given lectures for some 20 years to audiences exceeding 500, nerves can be a greater challenge than the actual presentation itself. My advice is to take a long pause; look around at your audience with a big smile; begin slowly and precisely for your first few minutes. This calms your nerves and helps to build confidence. Use emphatic but more so, descriptive gestures to release anxiety; facial gestures help relax your face and in turn your tone of voice. Throw in some humour and away you go!

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