Article: ‘Motivation: A Key Factor in Second Language Learning’ by Reena Mittal

[ELTWeekly Volume 6, Issue 12 | May 12, 2014 | ISSN 0975-3036]

This article is written and submitted by Reena Mittal.

One of the main goals of Language Teacher is to provide students with the tools to be effective for SLL(Second Language Learning). Often we assign projects and assignments and other task but we forget the main tool which work for language learning is MOTIVATION. In learning a second language motivation is a crucial force which determines if the learner takes the given task seriously and how much energy and time he devote to it. Motivation contains many components as –


In order to follow the given chart a teacher really has to work hard. First of all, they have to make a learning programme which is based on practical experience and increase student’s interest and motivate them.  As universities should start ‘English’ as medium of instruction in teaching and examinations to give motivation to the students. It is a success formula of Japan.  Students should be encouraged to participate in classroom activities that too in English like reading text, conversing among peer group also motivate them. The main emphasis given in the classroom is based on some worth remembering issues as:

  • Always set examples from personal life and incidents.
  • Classroom atmosphere has to be friendly and relaxed not a traditional teacher student relationship.
  • Tasks and assignments given to students are motivating, interesting and accessible.
  • Student Teacher relationship has to be friendly knitted with respect.
  • Language class always has to be creative and interesting to motivate students never to miss it.
  • The target group should be familiar with language, its culture, learning process

These mentioned factors are really helpful for SLL. The emerging factor of learning is really fulfilled with Motivation with a positive note. Motivation is an important factor of SLL.  The most success stories of learning second language cannot be quoted without motivation.

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