Vol. 5 Issue 11 – Article: ‘Indian Education System and English Language Teaching’ by Akshay Shingare & Padmavat Nirmala Shivram

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#11 | March 25, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036


English is mostly taught in India as a Second language. But As a Student, it was found that maximum schools and college students are considering English as a subject not a language. And this is the main reasons of errors in English for Indian Pupil. There must be the same way of teaching English as a mother-tongue. First meaning then grammar means L-S-R-W not L-R-S-W. Present paper deals with all this factors and right path of teaching English in the class-room by teacher.

Introduction: “Now the rains fall on empty streets.[1]” A small sentence from Azim  Premjis article, provoked me to  unload cans of my opinions that had their lids screwed on for so long; I looked out of my window and found that street are really empty. Where’s that crowd which used to energies the dance atmosphere? Where’s that noise which would revitalize the gloomy air? I found nothing on the street. The environment was under the shade of tranquillity but that peace was screaming and suggesting me to think about today’s education system which made these streets vacant. As a fourth basic need we give too much of importance to education and there is nothing wrong in it. But in that effort we are completely dominating the most basic need pleasure joy happiness! Today’s education system doesn’t justify the word “EDUCATION”.

Talking about EDUCATION English language is playing vital role not only foreign countries but also in India. ‘English is a foreign language. ‘We must be able to interact with the world. ‘Indians should not lag behind in any field around the world. ‘Keeping these things in mind India has started teaching ENGLISH to students. But from the beginning the approach towards English has gone tropsy turve. We are not ready. Very few think English as a Language.

English a Language not Subject:  Firstly, we must eradicate the thought that English is a subject. Here we make a major mistake.  It is not a subject; it is a language which has its own unique beauty. Once we accept English as a language, our efforts will navigate in correct direction .We must keep in our mind that, when we born, we didn’t know any language. We have developed our mother tongue in first step by ‘Listening’ then ‘Speaking’ next comes ‘Reading’ and finally by ‘Writing’. Indian pupil learns the first chapter of Mother tongues’ (e.g. Marathi) Grammar in the 5th class at the age of ten. It doesn’t mean that he/she did not know Marathi till then.

To accept it as a language, always think that it is a subject. From the beginning, it is implied on our mind that ‘you are learning English subject and first lesson of English starts with Grammar. ‘Ghost like rules of English grammar begin to come in front of students and the most beautiful language seems as a vamp.’ Students prefer to give up, than learning English becomes only the mean of scoring marks. And the important goal of Teaching English becomes vague.

English Language And Indian Education System: To make an correct assessment of our present education system it is better to start with the definition.

“Education aims at producing the complete man who possesses a specialized knowledge of learning’ along with an awareness of human obligations.[2]” Education aims to create that man who has rational & objective thinking who can behave in reasonable manner & most important who enjoys what he learns Sir Richard Livingstone in his essay, “The essentials of education! Says that the aim of education is to know the first rate in any subject that we study & unless we enjoy what we study we can’t know the first rafe.[3]” Einstein thinks that “The aim of education is the -Training of independently thinking & acting individuals see in the service of the community their highest problem[4]

If all these ideas are put together we can define ‘The aim of Education is the professional, intellectual & moral training of an individual who is happy to accept that training. Examined by this our education system is a complete failure.

This education system lacks in many aspects. The teachers are straitjacketed by the syllabi.  It curbs the teacher’s freedom to teach as he likes. Even if he wants to give all he has, his efforts are restricted by the courses in books. Specially, about English this Exam orientated System of Education is itself a major drawback. English, a subject just to get pass only and then no need to adapt the skills of language because the spoon feeding from very first day is ‘English is a Subject.’  In prevailing education system first grammar is taught then students are compelled to read then to write and finally they are allowed to speak. Most important factor of learning English language i.e. speaking or attempting to communicate in English is clearly neglected.

Examination System and English Language in India: Next & important factor which the students detest (as most of the students do) is the examination system. Exams are considered as a big nuisance. The drawback of our examination system is all the students are judged on the same parameter. A student aware of the questions he will be asked, he can fairly guess a few & if he has the knack of pleasing the examiner he will come out with flying colors. But another student more reflective & analytical, more in quisitive & industrious will perhaps cut a sorry figure & and we will consider it as a failure  Even Einstein Failed in Mathematics benefit doesn’t mean that he has achieved singular success in his field. But the devil must be given its due. Because of exams students are compelled to study. Their efficiency their patience are tested by the exams. They learn to navigate their efforts. To learn English we will have to attempt it, we will have to think it, we will have to feel it and most importantly factor is ‘they will have to enjoy it.’ Then and only then the steps taken by us towards English learning will be on the path of victory. We can say that examinations are necessary evil. We should not go against them but surely we should modify them. This highly theoretical education system doesn’t work at physical, emotional, ethical development of students’ personality. It only enables him to secure a pass. If one fails at this, he gets depressed & takes unusual steps which lead him to the never ending Clark. Prevailing examination system has gifted this generation with new word, ‘depression’.

As a student I anticipate much more from the education system. A teacher should be given the liberty to teach as he likes & as per the students need. The teacher is one who unlocks the doors of knowledge to his students. But if we compel him to open those doors only with the keys of syllabi the doors certainly won’t be opened. Moreover, it is not possible in English language teaching to bind ourselves with syllabus.  Every student is special & born with completely different personality from another; we cannot put them all into a same structure of judgment.  Every, student should be judged with his unique quality i.e. some cam grasp language easily, some need time. Even change is there in neuron system also.  He must be examined hard & strict but in the field at which loves to learn &work.  Our education system works only for memory. And language needs regular practice.  Language never acquired on memory base, it can be acquired on Practice base. Therefore, syllabus must be designed as it can have regular practice and   there should not be neglecting factors which are essential factors such as health & personality to overcome this lag sports & games should be made a part of education. They contribute a great deal to the development of personality if having command over language.

Conclusion:  we can conclude it as there should be in mind that English is a language which must be acquired not learned as other subject. No memory pattern only practice of speaking and listening on priority basis.  Many improvements such as shifting emphasis from liberal to vocational coerces, creating interesting text books accepting semester pattern etc are adapted by the education system. They are always welcome. But still desired results have not been forthcoming.  A student is expected to learn new values with a pleasure of learning.  A student must enjoy his every step of Education and English Language, be must play, he must laugh, he must play mischief’s &importantly Azim  Premji says.  ‘He must dance in rain [6]’. The degeneration of education parallels the down fall of moral values Joy & happiness. They have fallen together what they rise they will raise together:

1. Dancing in the rain-Azim Premji (text book12th eng)

2. Pal &Suri : English grammar & composition-essay

3. Ibid

4. Ibid

5. Ibid

6. Dancing in the rain-Azim  Premji (text book 12th  English)

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