#48, Research Paper: ‘An Evaluative Study of Some Online Websites for Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ by Aly, Mahsoub Abdul-Sadeq

Abstract of the paper:

Although there are many websites designed and published on the Internet for learning and teaching English, little use of them is done by both Egyptian EFL teachers and students. The textbook is usually their main concern and focus. That is why the present study draws more light on the importance of language teaching and learning websites and evaluates some of them so as to introduce them to both for use.

This problem was tackled through answering the following questions:

(1) What are the websites available online for learning and teaching English as a foreign language?;

(2) What are the points of strength and weakness of some of these sites?; and

(3) How can these sites be utilized by the Egyptian teachers and students for teaching and learning English as a foreign language? A 63-item evaluation criteria checklist was used to assess the six selected websites.

It covered eight dimensions as follows: Authority, Purpose, Coverage, Currency, Objectivity, Accuracy, Technical Aspects (navigation, design and structure, and access), and Usefulness for TEFL Teachers and Students. The participants (n=17 – post-graduate students at Benha University) visited them and responded to the evaluation criteria checklist for identifying the points of strength and weakness of each website.

The six websites, as a whole, were reported by the participants very useful for learning and teaching English. Based on the findings of evaluation, educational implications and recommendations for the utilization of these sites for teaching and learning English in Egypt were suggested. (Contains 7 tables and 7 appendices.)

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