#46, Article: ‘Extensive reading: why it is good for our students… and for us’ by Alan Maley

Alan says, “In this, the first of two articles for TeachingEnglish, Alan Maley considers the benefits extensive reading can bring to English language learners and teachers. What is Extensive Reading (ER)? Extensive Reading is often referred to but it is worth checking on what it actually involves.  Richard Day has provided a list of key… Continue reading #46, Article: ‘Extensive reading: why it is good for our students… and for us’ by Alan Maley

#45, Article: ‘Creative writing for language learners (and teachers)’ by Alan Maley

Creative writing for language learners (and teachers) by Alan Maley Creative writing normally refers to the production of texts which have an aesthetic rather than a purely informative, instrumental or pragmatic purpose. Most often, such texts take the form of poems or stories, though they are not confined to these genres. (Letters, journal entries, blogs,… Continue reading #45, Article: ‘Creative writing for language learners (and teachers)’ by Alan Maley

#42, Article: Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text

Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text By Larry M. Lynch Foreign Language Learning There are a slew of commercial textbooks, guidebooks and all manner of language learning study aids when studying English as a foreign or second language. The same is true for most other main stream, major languages like French,… Continue reading #42, Article: Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text

#42, Research Article: Technology, ELT and Literature Teaching

Teaching language and teaching literature both are the areas where many things we may find interconnected. Many a times literature can be a source of teaching and learning in Language area or vice versa language study material can help learners of literature to interpret various things in literature.

#41, Research Article: ‘The English Language of Novices Interface the Native English Speakers in a Teaching Centre’ by Aadhi Ramesh Babu & A. Komuraiah

The English Language of Novices Interface the Native English Speakers in a Teaching Centre by Aadhi  Ramesh Babu & A. Komuraiah This paper focuses on the problems faced by non native English speaking students studying abroad at English speaking universities. It points out the difficulties that Indian students are facing many problems when they participate… Continue reading #41, Research Article: ‘The English Language of Novices Interface the Native English Speakers in a Teaching Centre’ by Aadhi Ramesh Babu & A. Komuraiah

#38, Teaching Children English Using Songs by Larry M. Lynch

12 Keys to Using Songs For Teaching Children English As a Foreign Language By Larry M. Lynch In answer to a reader question on using songs for teaching Italian children English, I gave the following twelve quick keys. They’re equally effective, however, for children from any country, or of almost any age too for that… Continue reading #38, Teaching Children English Using Songs by Larry M. Lynch

#37, Article: English Teacher: An Integral Entity of English Language by Aadhi Ramesh Babu

In every profession it is important to keep current with new ideas, methods, technologies, research findings etc. Teachers should study, and like all other professional people, should try and stay current. No doubt English is the most important language in the world; therefore having great English skills will bring numerous advantages to a teacher, especially keeping with the demands of the emerging global market where English is seen as a tool of progress and success.

ELTWeekly Issue#36 Contents

– Word of the Week: plumply • PLUMP-lee – Video: The London School of English – Interview with Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya – Research Article: ‘Language and Culture’ by Mahsa Kia – Research Article: ‘The Use of L1 in Teaching English’ by Daisy N. – Free eBook: ELA Manual – Book of the week: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language – Blog of… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#36 Contents


EDUCATION AND LITERACY by G.MANJULATHAdEVI, Asst Prof English, Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagar Education is not acquisition of academic qualifications. However, acquiring academic qualifications is possible through literacy, which is the very foundation of the knowledge to read and write. Here is where exactly education distinguishes itself from literacy. Education is something that comprises the highest… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#32, Article: EDUCATION AND LITERACY

ELTWeekly Issue#31, Article: Making Effective Use of Short Stories in English Or Foreign Language Teaching

Making Effective Use of Short Stories in English Or Foreign Language Teaching By Larry M. Lynch A Proven Method of Language Acquisition One of the most effective long-term methods of learning a language is that of an on-going series of readings. In fact, among the ways native speakers of English, French and other languages continue… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#31, Article: Making Effective Use of Short Stories in English Or Foreign Language Teaching