ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue#12 | March 19, 2012 | ISSN 0975-3036 Video: Pronuncitation – British Council – BBC ELTWO Research Paper: ‘Five Reasons Why Listening Strategy Instruction Might Not Work With Lower Proficiency Learners’ by Willy A Renandya Book Of The Week: Macmillan English Grammar in Context National Seminar on ‘Virtual Communication – An Emerging Trend… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 4 Issue 12
Tag: Dr. Stephen Bax
Vol. 4 Issue 12 – BBC TeachingEnglish Research Paper: ‘Researching English Bilingual Education’ by Dr. Stephen Bax
The three reports published in this volume were commissioned within the research strand of the British Council Acess English project. They were prepared by Dr. Stephen Pax, following visits to Thailand, Indonesia and Korea in November and December 2009, during which the status of English Bilingual Education (EBE) in each country was investigated through a variety of data sources, including documentary data, school and classroom observations, and interviews with a range of stakeholders from the Ministry, schools and elsewhere.