Entrepreneurship is one of the solutions for developing self-sustainable communities, women and youth-led initiatives in developing countries. But, how can we teach to be an entrepreneur? Pape Samb is a social entrepreneur specialized in international development. He is the chairman, founder and designer of the Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN), a youth-run and led network… Continue reading Video: Pape Samb: Linking Education with Entrepreneurship
Category: ELTWeekly Volume 9
Video: Kiran Bir Sethi: Not by Chance, but by Design!
Keynote Speech given at EDULEARN14
Article: The Development of Young Learners’ Reading Skills – Part 1
Last year, for my Masters in Education at the University of Cambridge, I carried out a research project exploring the reading strategies that children with English as an Additional Language (EAL), and monolingual children with English as a first language, use in a paired reading task. Motivating my research was a recent report I read,… Continue reading Article: The Development of Young Learners’ Reading Skills – Part 1
Article: Turning the Community Into a Classroom
When city planners in Portland, Oregon, were looking for ideas to make public spaces more inviting to youths across the region, they turned right to the source. Tyler White, a junior at De La Salle North Catholic High School, teamed up with a diverse group of students from several area schools to research and develop… Continue reading Article: Turning the Community Into a Classroom
Article: 6 Simple Ideas to Motivate Your Students using Linked Language Learning
These days, I live and work in Ireland. Near my home, is Newgrange – a huge mound of rock and earth that’s over 5,000 years old. At dawn, on the shortest day of the year, everyone gathers to see the sun’s first light shine along a passage and light up a chamber in the mound.… Continue reading Article: 6 Simple Ideas to Motivate Your Students using Linked Language Learning
Article: Extensive Reading and Language Learning
Extensive reading is based on the well-established premise that we learn to read by reading. This is true for learning to read our first language as well as foreign languages. In teaching foreign language reading, an extensive reading approach allows students to read, read, and read some more. When EFL students read extensively, they become… Continue reading Article: Extensive Reading and Language Learning
Webinar: Making the impossible possible – How to get your students writing, January 25-26
About the webinar It’s often seen as the poor relation in language learning, but as technology changes the way we communicate, our writing skills become more important. In this webinar we’ll look at ideas that can help our students develop their writing skills.
Article: The Development of Young Learners’ Reading Skills – Part 2
This article follows a previous article, in which I introduced the research project I carried out as part of my Master’s degree in research in second language education. In my study, I explored the scaffolding strategies that children with English as an Additional Language (EAL), and monolingual children with English as a first language, use… Continue reading Article: The Development of Young Learners’ Reading Skills – Part 2
ELTWeekly Volume 9, Issue 2
Article: Igniting a Passion for Reading Webinar Replay: Grammar Activities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Classes Scott Thornbury’s Upcoming Book: About Language Article: Back to School Activities for your EFL Classroom Video: Ben Nelson on Rethinking Higher Education 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona, July, 2017 Book of the… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 9, Issue 2
Article: Igniting a Passion for Reading
Brian Sztabnik says, “I have taught English on the secondary level for the past 12 years, and for many of those years I taught books only one way: I would hand out a set of novels, and study guides to go along with them. In class we would do close readings and go over the… Continue reading Article: Igniting a Passion for Reading