ELTWeekly Issue#77

Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Learning Strategies Word of the week: Blending Susan Ryan’s Tip: ‘American English Pronunciation & Phonetics’ Article: English as she was spoke Article: ‘Cuisenaire rods in the language classroom’ by TE Editor Research Article: ‘Indian Writing in Translation at Undergraduate Level’ by Dr. Gurudutt T N. Download ELTWeekly Issue#77… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#77

#77, Article: English as she was spoke

“ENGLISH is the most successful language in the history of the world. It is spoken on every continent, is learnt as a second language by schoolchildren and is the vehicle of science, global business and popular culture. Many think it will spread without end. But Nicholas Ostler, a scholar of the rise and fall of… Continue reading #77, Article: English as she was spoke

#77, Article: ‘Cuisenaire rods in the language classroom’ by TE Editor

“The first time I saw Cuisenaire rods being used in the language classroom I had no idea how much fun they could be. Since then I’ve used them in both adult and young learner classrooms where they have always been received with enthusiasm. In his book ‘Teaching and Learning Languages’ (1988) Stevick describes them as:… Continue reading #77, Article: ‘Cuisenaire rods in the language classroom’ by TE Editor

#77, Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Learning Strategies

The goal of teaching strategies is to create autonomous learners, learners who can learn by themselves inside and outside the classroom. Research and classroom practices are evolving in many directions to try to better understand and facilitate learning for students of all ages. In general, successful language learners tend to select strategies that work well… Continue reading #77, Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Learning Strategies

#77, Research Article: ‘Indian Writing in Translation at Undergraduate Level’ by Dr. Gurudutt T N

Dr. Gurudutt T N works with V V Puram Evening College, Bangalore University, Bangalore. The concept of the Indian Writing in English might have been elusive but definitely evolving. On the one hand it had to be accepted by ourselves, as there had been an urgency of establishing our creative identity in the English literary… Continue reading #77, Research Article: ‘Indian Writing in Translation at Undergraduate Level’ by Dr. Gurudutt T N

#77, Susan Ryan’s Tip: ‘American English Pronunciation & Phonetics’

‘Since English is not a phonetic language there is not always a one-on-one relationship between the letters in the English alphabet and spoken sounds. This lack of one on one correspondence can cause problems when you want to pronounce English words correctly. The 26 letters in the English (Roman) alphabet make more than 26 sounds.… Continue reading #77, Susan Ryan’s Tip: ‘American English Pronunciation & Phonetics’