Word of the week: Global comprehension Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 13, Peer Observation in Teaching Practices Article: ‘English and Employability’ by Dr. R. Kannan Article: ‘Useful Concepts and Acronyms for English Language Teaching’ by Sarah Handsworth Research Article: ‘Indian English Fiction: Experimenting the Queen’s Language’ by Chirag Dhandhukiya Book of the… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#71
Category: ELTWeekly Issue#71
#71, Book of the week: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model
This long-awaited new book by acclaimed authors MaryEllen Vogt and Jana Echevarria offers research-based, SIOP®-tested techniques for lessons that include the eight SIOP® components. The 99 ideas and activities in this book include a few familiar techniques that have been shown to be especially effective for ELLs, as well as many new ideas for SIOP®… Continue reading #71, Book of the week: 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model
#71, Article: ‘Useful Concepts and Acronyms for English Language Teaching’ by Sarah Handsworth
As with any industry English language teaching is full of specialist terms and acronyms that mean nothing to those outside the industry. This article will take you through some of the most common terms used to help you prepare if you are considering entering the English language teaching industry. I use the term industry, as… Continue reading #71, Article: ‘Useful Concepts and Acronyms for English Language Teaching’ by Sarah Handsworth
#71, Word of the week: Global comprehension
Global comprehension means understanding the general meaning of what you are listening to or reading. It can be compared to selective comprehension, which means understanding specific information in the text, and detailed comprehension, which means understanding everything. Global, selective and detailed comprehensions have parallels with the three reading skills of skimming, scanning and intensive reading.… Continue reading #71, Word of the week: Global comprehension
#71, Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 13, Peer Observation in Teaching Practices
Classroom observation can take different forms. The two most common are: 1. Summative observation, in which another teacher or an administrator observes the class. The purpose for this is evaluative and may result a rating of some kind. 2. And, formative observation, in which two teachers, or “peers,” do a “friendly” observation of each other’s… Continue reading #71, Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 13, Peer Observation in Teaching Practices
#71, Research Article: ‘Indian English Fiction: Experimenting the Queen’s Language’ by Chirag Dhandhukiya
ELTWeekly ISSN 0975-3036 Chirag Dinesh Dhandhukiya works as a lecturer with the Department of English at C Z Patel College of Business and Management, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat. Introduction Indian Writing in English has contributed in the field of both English fiction and poetry. In the recent years, Indian fiction writers have been widely recognized by the West.… Continue reading #71, Research Article: ‘Indian English Fiction: Experimenting the Queen’s Language’ by Chirag Dhandhukiya
#71, Article: ‘English and Employability’ by Dr. R. Kannan
ELTWeekly ISSN 0975-3036 Dr. R. Kannan works as an Assistant Professor with the Department of English at Fatima Michael College of Engg. & Technology, Madurai. Preamble English, being a global language, has occupied an unparallel position today. As a result of this, learning English and acquiring skills in it is mandatory. English has touched upon every field of study.… Continue reading #71, Article: ‘English and Employability’ by Dr. R. Kannan