English-Medium Instruction with Jim McKinley [Podcast]

TEFLology has published the latest podcast episode ‘English-Medium Instruction with Jim McKinley’. The TEFLology team says, “Welcome back to The TEFLology Podcast – a podcast all about teaching English as a foreign language and related matters. In today’s episode we explore English-Medium Instruction with Dr Jim McKinley.  Jim is an associate professor of applied linguistics in higher… Continue reading English-Medium Instruction with Jim McKinley [Podcast]

Integrating ICT in the classroom, January 2023 [Webinar]

British Council is hosting a webinar ‘Integrating ICT in the classroom’ on January 27, 2023. The British Council team says, “Join us on 27 January from 13.00pm UK for three sessions by English Language Teaching experts. In this event, speakers Chris Roland, Graham Stanley and Nare Hakobyan explore different aspects of integrating ICT in the… Continue reading Integrating ICT in the classroom, January 2023 [Webinar]

Preparing future teachers for CLIL: An in-depth investigation of three cases [Report]

This British Council report presents the results of a study about preparing teachers for content and language integrated learning (CLIL). CLIL has spread around the world as a powerful educational approach which combines subject and additional language learning, and therefore, it is important to ensure quality teacher preparation for this approach. This research used questionnaires,… Continue reading Preparing future teachers for CLIL: An in-depth investigation of three cases [Report]

How can we use virtual reality to teach English? [Podcast]

Here is the latest episode of the British Council TeachingEnglish podcast ‘How can we use virtual reality to teach English?’. The British Council team says, “In recent times, the influence of virtual reality, artificial intelligence and the metaverse in our daily lives has increased. This influence has also been very noticeable in English language teaching… Continue reading How can we use virtual reality to teach English? [Podcast]

Exploring professional learning in assessment

Cambridge Assessment Network and Research has published an article ‘So broad, yet so narrow’ – Exploring professional learning in assessment. Gemma Escott, a Professional Development Manager for a group of 16 Higher Education Institution, says, “I had interviewed for a position to do e-learning, but when I arrived the Director asked me to take over… Continue reading Exploring professional learning in assessment

Cambridge schools conference, March 2023

Cambridge is hosting the virtual Cambridge schools conference on March 12-23, 2023. The Cambridge team says, “Our Cambridge schools conferences are an opportunity for teachers and school leaders from different countries and contexts to share knowledge and discuss common challenges in education Are you looking to apply new concepts, share knowledge and discuss common challenges… Continue reading Cambridge schools conference, March 2023

TESOL Convention 2023, March 2023

TESOL is hosting the TESOL Convention 2023 on March 21-23, 2023. The TESOL team says, “Join our global community of English language professionals for the TESOL 2023 Convention & English Language Expo, 21-24 March! Through our engaging in-person event, you will be able to: TESOL Convention 2023

5 Discussion Strategies to Deepen Student Engagement

Edutopia contributor Daniel Casebeer has shared five discussion strategies to deepen student engagement. He says, “Sometimes, as teachers, we struggle to help our students connect what they know to what they are learning. When we face this challenge, it can be helpful to examine our practice under a different set of lenses to uncover ways… Continue reading 5 Discussion Strategies to Deepen Student Engagement