Irregular verb resources: 21 fantastic exercises

BusyTeacher has published a new article ‘Irregular verb resources: 21 fantastic exercises’. Haiden says, “If you have your lesson plan, but you’re struggling with the materials to bring it to life, you’re in the right place. Below we’ve hand-picked 21 of our favorite irregular verb resources that are fun and engaging for your class. Looking… Continue reading Irregular verb resources: 21 fantastic exercises

Practical techniques for teaching young learners [Webinar Series]

Cambridge is hosting a webinar series on ‘Pre-primary webinar series: practical techniques for teaching young learners’ starting Thursday, February 10, 2022. Sarah Stokes says, “Join us for a webinar series for pre-primary teachers, with speakers Michael Tomlinson, Alexandra Purcell, Allen Davenport and Karen Elliott. Our 3-part webinar series runs across 3 months, with a webinar… Continue reading Practical techniques for teaching young learners [Webinar Series]

5 English Language Rules For Winning At Wordle!

Anna Shannon, Marketing Manager at Oxford University Press has published this article about Wordle. She says, “ What do ‘basic’, ‘truth’, and ‘style’ have in common? Well, they are five-letter words in the English Language and possible contenders for the daily Wordle! Wordle is an online word game that was originally created by software engineer Josh Wardle… Continue reading 5 English Language Rules For Winning At Wordle!

Teaching Digital Literacy – Whose Job Is It?

The Oxford University Press ELT team has published this useful article in February 2022. Shaun Wilden says, “If you’re still wondering whose job digital literacy is, consider the ‘critical awareness’ part of the definition. Few teachers would argue that instilling critical thinking is not part of our job. Most course materials address critical thinking in some way,… Continue reading Teaching Digital Literacy – Whose Job Is It?

ELTWeekly Volume 8, Issue 1

[ELTWeekly Volume 8, Issue 1 | January 4, 2016 | ISSN 0975-3036] Edtech Resolutions for the New (School) Year – Edutopia Using tablets in the EFL classroom: Why & How (OUP ELT Blog) Raymond Murphy interview 30 years of Grammar in Use June 2015 (Video) Top 10 Time Fillers For Your Classroom – BusyTeacher Pedagogical reasoning… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 8, Issue 1

ELTWeekly Issue#80

ELTWeekly, a refereed journal and newsletter [Issue 80 | January 2011 | ISSN 0975-3036] Word of the week: PPP Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 10, Alternative Assessment Susan Ryan’s Tip: ‘The Importance of the Schwa Vowel Sound’ Article: ‘ICT in Education: HOW and WHAT to study in 21st Century?’ – UNESCO Tashkent Research Paper:… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#80

#80, Research Paper: ‘A Problem Tense to Teach: The Present Perfect’ by İsmail ÇAKIR

A PROBLEMATIC TENSE TO TEACH: THE PRESENT PERFECT The perfect in English creates problems for both elementary and advanced learners. It is interpreted frequently as an optional alternative to the simple past tense; this interpretation of its function leads to frequent errors of tense usage. Difficulties with the present perfect tense are often reinforced by… Continue reading #80, Research Paper: ‘A Problem Tense to Teach: The Present Perfect’ by İsmail ÇAKIR

#80, Research Paper: ‘Bringing Internet & Multimedia into ELT Classrooms’ by Rajesh Bharvad & Tarun Patel

This paper has been submitted for publication by Rajesh Bharvad & Tarun Patel The evolution of technology has an impact on the way we live, work, teach and learn. According to Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Information and Communication Technology has transformed education. Indeed, what we are witnessing is a revolution of education.… Continue reading #80, Research Paper: ‘Bringing Internet & Multimedia into ELT Classrooms’ by Rajesh Bharvad & Tarun Patel