#82, Research Article: ‘Types of Syllabuses in Language Teaching – ESL/EFL Context’ by Shabnum Iftikhar

The aim of this article is to present and introduce those influential types of syllabuses which are feasible in the domain of ESL/EFL and provides a rationale for the integration of these syllabuses as well. Etymologically syllabus means a ‘label or ‘table of contents’. The American Heritage Dictionary defines syllabus as outline of a course… Continue reading #82, Research Article: ‘Types of Syllabuses in Language Teaching – ESL/EFL Context’ by Shabnum Iftikhar

#64, ELT Research Paper: ‘Patterns of the Iranian Advanced Learners’ Problems with English Collocations’ by Abbas Ali Zarei

Abstract Collocations are a pervasive feature of many languages and English seems to be particularly rich in such multi-word lexemes. They have not been a major focus of teaching and research, however, despite the fact that learners have serious problems with the production of idiomatically correct language . The present study , therefore, aimed at… Continue reading #64, ELT Research Paper: ‘Patterns of the Iranian Advanced Learners’ Problems with English Collocations’ by Abbas Ali Zarei

#64, News-2: Dispatch: Learning ‘Globish’

Stand on the promenade of any British seaside resort on a summer’s afternoon, and you will hear the full, remarkable range of accents of this small island pass by soon enough. Stand on the seafront in Brighton, and the experience is rather different. The accents come from all over the planet. Most people seem to… Continue reading #64, News-2: Dispatch: Learning ‘Globish’

#64, News-1: Take notes by texting

JONESBORO, AR (KAIT)- Two professors from Arkansas State University have invented a tool to help students take notes. . .by texting! Dr. Ralph Ruby, Jr. and Dr. Paula Ruby of ASU recently conducted research in teaching strategies, which lead to a new invention! Dr. Ralph Ruby, “The major part of our research has been in… Continue reading #64, News-1: Take notes by texting

ELTWeekly Issue#51 Contents

ELTWeekly Webinar Video: The London School of English eBook: Action Plan for Teachers News: Teaching a Foreign Language? Best Teach in the Accent of the Listener Free Guide: SAEL Guide: Practical guide to designing , running and improving support websites for language teachers Article: ‘Homework’ by TE Editor Research Paper: With What Frequency Are Teachers… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#51 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue#50 Contents

Book of the Month: ‘Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT’ by Hall Houston Opportunity: Do you want to be an ELT TV star? Video: How to Organize Yourself When You Start Teaching English News: Ker-pow! Cambridge literature centre is to study comics and blogs ELT Resource: English-4U Research Paper: The Study of Foreign Language… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#50 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue#48 Contents

Tip of the week: Using videos to teach English News: Language Structure Is Partly Determined by Social Structure Video:: Teaching Syllables eBook: Research in the Language Classroom Article: ‘Simulated immersion’ by Duncan M Research Paper: ‘An Evaluative Study of Some Online Websites for Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ by Aly, Mahsoub Abdul-Sadeq… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#48 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue#47 Contents

Research Paper: ‘FUEL, Functional and Useful English Learning, An EFL Teaching System’ by Joe Drakos ELT Resource: UsingEnglish.com Interview with Dr Jagdish Joshi Article: ‘Using news articles’ by BBC TE Editor Download Webinar: Pronunciation in Communication: An aviation Perspective Lesson Plan: Learning styles Discuss & Vote @ BBC LE: Dictionaries in the classroom Free eBook:… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#47 Contents

#47, Video: David Crystal – Which English?

Which ‘English’ should we teach our students? Global English with Professor David Crystal. Another innovative feature of Global – Macmillan’s new course for adult learners of English. Visit the website www.macmillanenglish.com/global to download a complete sample unit, and the chance to win a Flip camcorder or antique-style globe.