#91, Research Paper: Stylistic Analysis of Josef Essberger’s ‘The Winepress’ by Shyam Ji

ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 The aim of this paper is to analyze the syntactic and stylistic features of Josef Essberger’s short story The Winepress. Theory followed to study the features of language in this story is the theory as propounded by Leech et al.(1981). The paper first of all gives… Continue reading #91, Research Paper: Stylistic Analysis of Josef Essberger’s ‘The Winepress’ by Shyam Ji

ELTWeekly Vol. 3 Issue#90 Contents

ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 Research Paper: ‘An Account of Sources of Errors in Language Learners’ Interlanguage’ by Majid Ghelichi Video of the week: Teaching Grammar with Board Races – TEFL ESL Resource of the week: Verbs Online Research Article: ‘Using Fiction (Novel) To Improve The Sentence Structure Of Graduate Level… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 3 Issue#90 Contents

#90, Research Paper: ‘An Account of Sources of Errors in Language Learners’ Interlanguage’ by Majid Ghelichi

ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 Abstract EFL learners’ errors are a major area of study in the field of contrastive linguistics and SLA research. In this article, a roughly representative account of the significance and importance of errors has been provided. Various volumes by specialists in applied linguistics, language teaching, and… Continue reading #90, Research Paper: ‘An Account of Sources of Errors in Language Learners’ Interlanguage’ by Majid Ghelichi

#90, Video of the week: Teaching Grammar with Board Races – TEFL ESL

ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 When your class needs a change of pace, you can practice basic language points in unusual ways. A board race, as demonstrated here, will re-energize your class. In this game students must categorize the two forms of comparative adjectives.

#90, Resource of the week: Verbs Online

ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 The Verbs Online site provides foreign language students with a good selection of activities for practicing verb conjugations. This site offers practice activities in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. The practice activities available on this website deal with the past, present, and future tenses of… Continue reading #90, Resource of the week: Verbs Online

#90, Research Article: ‘Using Fiction (Novel) To Improve The Sentence Structure Of Graduate Level Students (Esl/Efl Learners)’ by Shabnum Iftikhar

ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 Introduction This research article aims at emphasizing the use of fiction (novel) as a resource to improve the sentence structure of students. Sentence structure is also called “Syntax”. In the dictionary definition, syntax is a grammatical arrangement of words in sentences, but in a broader sense,… Continue reading #90, Research Article: ‘Using Fiction (Novel) To Improve The Sentence Structure Of Graduate Level Students (Esl/Efl Learners)’ by Shabnum Iftikhar

ELTWeekly Issue#89 Contents

Word of the week: Class contract Video: English Language Teaching In Action – Disc 3: Receptive Skills Susan Ryan’s Tip: Frequently Mispronounced Consonant Resource of the week: Forvo – Online Pronouncing Dictionary Article: ‘English Language Games Make Teaching Vocabulary Fun and Easy!’ by Karlee Demierre ‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’ By… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#89 Contents

#89, Susan Ryan’s Tip: Frequently Mispronounced Consonant

Many of the students I work with speak English very quickly. This makes it difficult to understand what they are saying! Sometimes they speak quickly because they feel nervous. Sometimes their fast speech is simply a carryover from the way they speak their native language. If you speak English too quickly, your listeners have to… Continue reading #89, Susan Ryan’s Tip: Frequently Mispronounced Consonant

#89, ‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’ By Daljeet Singh Bawa & Aparna Marwah

Daljeet Singh Bawa & Aparna Marwah work with Bharati Vidyapeeth University Institute of Management & Research, A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063. In a world on the move, the need for technology in any of its form is desired every minute of every day. For any type of technology to stay in vogue, real-time information… Continue reading #89, ‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’ By Daljeet Singh Bawa & Aparna Marwah