How preparing for Cambridge English Qualifications can help motivate learners through lockdown

COVID-19 has meant huge disruption to learning. The best way to get learners back on track and rebuild their motivation and sense of purpose is to give them goals to work towards, whether they are back in the classroom or learning online. Preparing for a Cambridge English Qualification means that a learner knows where they… Continue reading How preparing for Cambridge English Qualifications can help motivate learners through lockdown

5 Easy Classroom Activities Involving Movie Trailers

Here is an interesting article from Global OUP ELT Blog. You can find trailers on YouTube or sites like iTunes Movie Trailers. A typical trailer will be between 2 and 3 minutes long, although teaser trailers – those released sometime before the movie’s planned release – will be shorter, and typically give less of the plot… Continue reading 5 Easy Classroom Activities Involving Movie Trailers

ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 13 | September 2020

Challenges of Creating Teacher Presence in the Remote Classroom [ELT Summit Video] Present Simple and Present Progressive by Nick Shepherd Using Foreign Language as a Bridge to Learning in the Classroom [Video] The Benefits of Dual-Language Immersion [Video] 6 Fabulous Games to Get Your Students Speaking Teaching in the socially distanced classroom What’s Your OALD… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 13 | September 2020

Present Simple and Present Progressive by Nick Shepherd

“I have lunch”, or “I’m having lunch”? Which is good English? That’s an easy question: they’re both good, but they have different meanings. But then it gets more complicated, and here lies a problem for teachers. Do we offer a simple explanation which is true up to a point, or a full explanation which (like… Continue reading Present Simple and Present Progressive by Nick Shepherd

6 Fabulous Games to Get Your Students Speaking

SUSAN VERNER’s article on BusyTeacher features some useful tips on engaging your students in speaking activities using games. Many ESL teachers find that their students are timid speakers or reluctant to participate in class discussions. It’s only natural. After all, they are trying to talk in a language they are still working on learning. Still, silence can… Continue reading 6 Fabulous Games to Get Your Students Speaking

Teaching in the socially distanced classroom

A recent Cambridge English article features some great tips to improve your teaching in socially distanced classrooms. During the lockdown, learners have had to be more self-sufficient, take responsibility for their learning, and manage their own time. They have had no choice but to work out problems on their own with no classmate and no… Continue reading Teaching in the socially distanced classroom

What’s Your OALD Story?

Oxford University Press ELT team has announced the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) competition. The announcement The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) was first published in 1948. Since then, over 100 million English language learners have used OALD to develop their English skills for work and study, and that’s why it’s the world’s bestselling advanced-level dictionary for learners… Continue reading What’s Your OALD Story?

ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 11 | August 2020

Fostering Cooperation, Creativity and Learner Autonomy through Project-Based Instruction 5 Ways to Make Asynchronous Learning More Student-Centered Navigating the English Language Classroom [Video] Transformational English language schools under the pandemic vortex: Covid-19 language acquisition guidelines and effective recovery tactics | Vassilakou Evangelia Tips and Free Lesson Plans For Using Photographs In Class ESL Worksheets for… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 11 | August 2020