#51, eBook: Action Plan for Teachers

‘Action Plan for Teachers’ is a 44-page illustrated book on the subject of English Language Teaching. The book covers the topics of planning and preparing lessons, teaching methodology and classroom practice, using technology in the classroom, and also has ideas for and examples of practical activities for different stages of the lesson. Download ‘Action Plan for… Continue reading #51, eBook: Action Plan for Teachers

#51, News: Teaching a Foreign Language? Best Teach in the Accent of the Listener

Teaching a Foreign Language? Best Teach in the Accent of the Listener ScienceDaily (Feb. 17, 2010) — Perception of second language speech is easier when it is spoken in the accent of the listener and not in the ‘original’ accent of that language, shows a new study from the University of Haifa. The study was… Continue reading #51, News: Teaching a Foreign Language? Best Teach in the Accent of the Listener

#51, Free Guide: SAEL Guide: Practical guide to designing , running and improving support websites for language teachers

SAEL Guide: Practical guide to designing , running and improving support websites for language teachers Proficiency in several foreign languages and the acquisition of ICT skills is a strategic priority in Europe today. These new demands have transformed the way languages are taught across the European Union. It is set against this backdrop of profound… Continue reading #51, Free Guide: SAEL Guide: Practical guide to designing , running and improving support websites for language teachers

#51, Article: ‘Homework’ by TE Editor

Homework by BBC TeachingEnglish Editor “Homework seems to be an accepted part of teachers’ and students’ routines, but there is little mention of it in ELT literature. The role of homework is hardly mentioned in the majority of general ELT texts or training courses, suggesting that there is little question as to its value even… Continue reading #51, Article: ‘Homework’ by TE Editor

#51, Research Paper: With What Frequency Are Teachers Employing Evidenced-Based Procedures in Their Writing Classrooms?

With What Frequency Are Teachers Employing Evidenced-Based Procedures in Their Writing Classrooms? by Soiferman, L. Karen; Boyd, Karen; Straw, Stanley B. Background: The need for improvement in writing instruction in schools is dependent on teachers being aware of evidence-based procedures in writing and implementing them on a regular basis in their classrooms. Purpose: The purpose of this… Continue reading #51, Research Paper: With What Frequency Are Teachers Employing Evidenced-Based Procedures in Their Writing Classrooms?

ELTWeekly Issue#50 Contents

Book of the Month: ‘Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT’ by Hall Houston Opportunity: Do you want to be an ELT TV star? Video: How to Organize Yourself When You Start Teaching English News: Ker-pow! Cambridge literature centre is to study comics and blogs ELT Resource: English-4U Research Paper: The Study of Foreign Language… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#50 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue#49 Contents

ELTWeekly Improvement Survey News: Children who use technology are ‘better writers’ – BBC Video: Teaching Phonics 44 Sounds of English Learnhigher – An Excellent Resource for All Teachers Download Webinar: Control or Chaos? Managing classes of primary children in a positive way Lesson Plan: Living in the UK eBook: ESP for the University Article: ‘Personal… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#49 Contents

#49, ‘English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue’ – A report by Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi

‘English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue’ – Dialogue – From Policy to Practice – British Council -18 Nov, to 20 Nov, 2009 A report by Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue was held on 19 – 20 November, 2009 at Hyatt Regency Delhi. The Policy Dialogue focused on issues such as… Continue reading #49, ‘English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue’ – A report by Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi

ELTWeekly Issue#48 Contents

Tip of the week: Using videos to teach English News: Language Structure Is Partly Determined by Social Structure Video:: Teaching Syllables eBook: Research in the Language Classroom Article: ‘Simulated immersion’ by Duncan M Research Paper: ‘An Evaluative Study of Some Online Websites for Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ by Aly, Mahsoub Abdul-Sadeq… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#48 Contents