Gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing by Sara Vali and Parnaz Kianiparsa Abstract The present study investigated gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing. About 24 (male and female) M.A. students of Payam Noor University (PNU) who were studying English language teaching participated in this study. The instrument used for eliciting their… Continue reading #66, Research Paper: ‘Gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing’ by Sara Vali and Parnaz Kianiparsa
Tag: ELT Newsletter
#66, Article: ‘Three Deficiencies of English Teachers in Vocabulary Teaching’ By Katherine Lee
Three Deficiencies of English Teachers in Vocabulary Teaching By []Katherine Lee There are three main deficiencies that English teachers are prone to making in the process of vocabulary teaching which would be bad for the learning of English. They are: isolation from the context, neglecting the new words in reading, and lacking creativity while giving… Continue reading #66, Article: ‘Three Deficiencies of English Teachers in Vocabulary Teaching’ By Katherine Lee
#66, Video: The Longest Words in the English Language
Words from this video: Scary ‘Mary Poppins’ Recut Trailer, Honorificabilitudinitas, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, ablative, Antidisestablishmentarianism, Church of England, Henry VIII, Thomas Cranmer, Martin Luther, floccinoccinihilipilification, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, The National Puzzlers’ League, Titin.
ELTWeekly Issue#65
ELT Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 13, Peer Observation in Teaching Practices Word of the Week: Action research Book Review: ‘English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering’ by Dr. S. P. Dhanavel Article: ‘Teaching English Language to Beginners’ by Mako Fisher Article: ‘Allow Reading Aloud to Feel Proud Article:… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#65
#65, Article: ‘Mastering Listening as a Non Verbal Communication Skill: An Approach to enhance Communication skills’ by Dr. Sunita Agarwal
This article is submitted by Dr. Sunita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, , University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. People often focus on their speaking ability believing that good speaking equals good communication. The ability to speak well is a necessary component to successful communication but the ability to listen is equally important. Most of us do not realize the importance of… Continue reading #65, Article: ‘Mastering Listening as a Non Verbal Communication Skill: An Approach to enhance Communication skills’ by Dr. Sunita Agarwal
#65, Free eBook: The English Language in Development
In this fascinating and very readable paper on English and development, Hywel Coleman looks at questions such as the role of English in employability, in international mobility, in accessing information, and English as an impartial language. Download the ebook ‘The English Language in Development’ by visiting
#65, Word of the Week: Action research
“Action research is a development tool for a teacher that involves observing or gathering other data about a class through interviews, case studies, and questionnaires. A teacher can establish a cycle of identifying problems, planning changes in response, implementing changes and gathering and analysing data to evaluate the implementation. Action research can be used to… Continue reading #65, Word of the Week: Action research
#65, Article: ‘Teaching English Language to Beginners’ by Mako Fisher
Young students especially, have short attention spans and quickly lose concentration so in order to keep lesson momentum and the student interested in the topic at hand, break the lesson time down into ten minute module blocks. For young students or absolute beginners, start with the alphabet and numbers. Lesson 1 for example could be… Continue reading #65, Article: ‘Teaching English Language to Beginners’ by Mako Fisher
#65, Article: ‘Allow Reading Aloud to Feel Proud
ALLOW ‘READING ALOUD’ TO FEEL PROUD *Dr. G.A. Ghanshyam Head, Department of English, Govt. M.L.Shukla College, Seepat, Bilaspur (C.G.) India. Email: Speech is civilization itself. The word, even the most contradictory word, preserves contact – it is silence which isolates. – Thomas Mann Speech, the first form of communication came much earlier than the written… Continue reading #65, Article: ‘Allow Reading Aloud to Feel Proud
#65, Book Review: ‘English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering’ by Dr. S. P. Dhanavel
‘English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering’ by Dr.S.P.Dhanavel. Chennai: Orient BlackSwan, 2009, pp.228. Reviewed by Dr.S.Kumaran, Assistant Professor of English, University College of Engineering Tindivanam, Saram-604 307. Tamilnadu – India. English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering, written by Dr S P Dhanavel, Professor and Head, Department of English, Anna University Chennai,… Continue reading #65, Book Review: ‘English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering’ by Dr. S. P. Dhanavel