ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 “Global demand for English is continuing to grow. Governments increasingly recognise the importance of English to their economies and societies, and individuals see English as a tool that can help them to fulfil their personal aspirations. However, there are complex issues and challenges associated with this… Continue reading #91, Book (to Read Online): ‘Dreams and Realities: Developing Countries and the English Language’ Edited by Hywel Coleman
Tag: ELT Newsletter
#91, TeachingEnglish Article: Teaching without a coursebook
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 “Whether you’re starting with a new class or just changing direction a little the decision of how to structure a course without a coursebook can sometimes be difficult for a new or even experienced teacher. What’s wrong with using a coursebook? A topic-based syllabus Structuring the… Continue reading #91, TeachingEnglish Article: Teaching without a coursebook
#91, Video: Teaching English With Games
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 Here are three examples of how to incorporate games into your ESL and EFL classes.
#91, Article: ‘Useful Concepts and Acronyms for English Language Teaching’ by Sarah Handsworth
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 As with any industry English language teaching is full of specialist terms and acronyms that mean nothing to those outside the industry. This article will take you through some of the most common terms used to help you prepare if you are considering entering the English… Continue reading #91, Article: ‘Useful Concepts and Acronyms for English Language Teaching’ by Sarah Handsworth
#91, Research Paper: ‘Importance of Learning Literature in The Modern Age: Imparting Values’ by Dr. Vasanthi Ravi
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 The importance of the study of literature has not been realised in the modern world. The career-oriented learning system and the skill-based approach to education have eroded the study of humanities to a great extent. The question, whether the study of humanities is relevant, seems to… Continue reading #91, Research Paper: ‘Importance of Learning Literature in The Modern Age: Imparting Values’ by Dr. Vasanthi Ravi
#91, Research Paper: Stylistic Analysis of Josef Essberger’s ‘The Winepress’ by Shyam Ji
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#91 | June 27, 2011 The aim of this paper is to analyze the syntactic and stylistic features of Josef Essberger’s short story The Winepress. Theory followed to study the features of language in this story is the theory as propounded by Leech et al.(1981). The paper first of all gives… Continue reading #91, Research Paper: Stylistic Analysis of Josef Essberger’s ‘The Winepress’ by Shyam Ji
ELTWeekly Vol. 3 Issue#90 Contents
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 Research Paper: ‘An Account of Sources of Errors in Language Learners’ Interlanguage’ by Majid Ghelichi Video of the week: Teaching Grammar with Board Races – TEFL ESL Resource of the week: Verbs Online Research Article: ‘Using Fiction (Novel) To Improve The Sentence Structure Of Graduate Level… Continue reading ELTWeekly Vol. 3 Issue#90 Contents
#90, Research Paper: ‘An Account of Sources of Errors in Language Learners’ Interlanguage’ by Majid Ghelichi
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 Abstract EFL learners’ errors are a major area of study in the field of contrastive linguistics and SLA research. In this article, a roughly representative account of the significance and importance of errors has been provided. Various volumes by specialists in applied linguistics, language teaching, and… Continue reading #90, Research Paper: ‘An Account of Sources of Errors in Language Learners’ Interlanguage’ by Majid Ghelichi
#90, Video of the week: Teaching Grammar with Board Races – TEFL ESL
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 When your class needs a change of pace, you can practice basic language points in unusual ways. A board race, as demonstrated here, will re-energize your class. In this game students must categorize the two forms of comparative adjectives.
#90, Resource of the week: Verbs Online
ELTWeekly Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue#90 | June 20, 2011 The Verbs Online site provides foreign language students with a good selection of activities for practicing verb conjugations. This site offers practice activities in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. The practice activities available on this website deal with the past, present, and future tenses of… Continue reading #90, Resource of the week: Verbs Online