Cambridge schools conference, March 2023

Cambridge is hosting the virtual Cambridge schools conference on March 12-23, 2023. The Cambridge team says, “Our Cambridge schools conferences are an opportunity for teachers and school leaders from different countries and contexts to share knowledge and discuss common challenges in education Are you looking to apply new concepts, share knowledge and discuss common challenges… Continue reading Cambridge schools conference, March 2023

TESOL Convention 2023, March 2023

TESOL is hosting the TESOL Convention 2023 on March 21-23, 2023. The TESOL team says, “Join our global community of English language professionals for the TESOL 2023 Convention & English Language Expo, 21-24 March! Through our engaging in-person event, you will be able to: TESOL Convention 2023

5 Discussion Strategies to Deepen Student Engagement

Edutopia contributor Daniel Casebeer has shared five discussion strategies to deepen student engagement. He says, “Sometimes, as teachers, we struggle to help our students connect what they know to what they are learning. When we face this challenge, it can be helpful to examine our practice under a different set of lenses to uncover ways… Continue reading 5 Discussion Strategies to Deepen Student Engagement

Get started in ELT materials writing

The Cambridge English team has published an article on getting started in ELT materials writing. Katherine Bilsborough says, “If you enjoy writing materials, you might like to move into materials writing as a profession, either as a supplementing activity or by becoming a full-time freelance writer, working for ELT publishers. As an English teacher, you… Continue reading Get started in ELT materials writing

Mediation skills in the English language classroom

The Cambridge English Assessment team has published an article on mediation skills in the English language classroom. We all have to take information, understand it, and then explain it to others. Although it may be second nature to many, it takes a unique set of skills to pull this off successfully. Perhaps you’re at university… Continue reading Mediation skills in the English language classroom

6 dynamic activities to practise present simple

Cambridge English has published this interesting and useful article. Paula Alvarez says, “I am, you are, she is – love it or hate it, the present simple is one of the first grammar points students will learn when they study English. It’s essential learners understand how the present simple works so they can start communicating… Continue reading 6 dynamic activities to practise present simple

Using Classroom Presentation Tools to deliver engaging lessons

Here is an insightful article from OUP ELT Blog. The OUP ELT team says, “Let’s take a closer look at the features of Classroom Presentation Tools. Although all of them are important and useful, we are going to highlight five of them: 1. Embedded audio and video All audio tracks and videos are just one… Continue reading Using Classroom Presentation Tools to deliver engaging lessons